Olla! (Hello in Spanish)
kinda long time tak update blog.:P busy keja + so not in the mood of blogging..
before fly back to Singapore...btw, it is really an amazing experience out here!
- first experience in very long flight..nearly 20hours..
- first time landed in europe via munchen airport though it was just at the airport, still i was there! =)
- first time landed n stay in US...honestly americans are a lot friendly compare to those Ausie..(no offends)..and also a lot gentleman..
- first time working as an only girl in the group..so, got really nice and good treatment from those mexicans..(those who are working in the line are mexicans)
- learn few words in spanish..=) Bueno=Good; una de gato=Thorn; Bueno Dias: Good Morning; Gracias:TQ; Denada:u r welcome; Manyana: Morning; Mi Amigo: My friend for a guy etc etc
- and those thick so called woods made me crazy! bees' and hornet love me so much..got stung twice by bees and once by hornet! its painful n of course i cried in the field making those mexicans guy panicked!
btw, terrain here really not helping..steep! creek!rivers! slippery!wet!muddy!but oh yes, i made it after all..thumbs up athi:) n thumbs up to my friend too!:)two more days before i boarding in flight to chicago and will be back to singapore by saturday midnite..hope it will be a safe journey, iAllah and a memorable one (take note yer...=)
oh..i got one confession to make here...! im sad!!coz xdpt visit any vic secret outlet coz this ripley town is ssooooooo excluded from the outside world..=(