my latest aim after giving birth (in fact when i was in first trimester pregnant) is to fully breastfeed my little boy...
inilah hasilnya after 4 weeks + dalam pantang dgn hasil kerjasama pihak2 berikut:-
1) Ilyaas Hafiy Abdul Halim for making my breast as his favourite place in the world
2) Medela Pump in style Advance ( my bestfriend for now)
3) Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff for being such a supportive husband and father
4) My Mum and Dad for being very supportive in ensuring that I can breastfeed my son even I'm working and for providing a section in the freezer for milk storage.
5) Others who breastfeed their children
Alhamdulillah... murah rezeki Ilyaas...=).