Thursday, December 23, 2010

tired of googling happy of the changes

penat nya survey2 barang baby yg murah2 on the web..
currently surveying for :-
1)convertible car seat from 0-4yrs
2)baby bouncer yg worth it
3)baby cot + mattress
4)nak kena beli sterilizer ke tak?
5)baby traveling/diaper bag

luckily few items are ready now:-
1)madela breast pump...yippe!!!
2)bottle(bought two sizes of MAM bottle)
3)some baju2
4)some booties n mittens
5)receiving blanket bumble bee

n actually lots more to listed..pheewwwhhh...

n this week has been a tiring week for me.job getting more n more..been involve in new project for Mitra Energy located at offshore Vietnam.

and oh yes, mum just posted me new pregnancy dress she ordered for me =) Thank You Mak...

and my tummy is itchy!sobs2...and I can see my urat2...scary but amazingly tak sakit.


  1. hoo yeaaaahhhhhh.cepat kak athie jadi first follower di blog baru saya!hihi

  2. haha.cikana ada lame doh br saja iyak2 wat blog baru sementara ada kat msia.hahaha


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