Tuesday, January 18, 2011

triple chin

pregnant does make me happy. of course it does! i'm going to be a mother and will have a little kid!

but pregnant also makes my body change a lot! definitely my weight increase...ok, the fact that i've increased more than 10kgs within 7months pregnancy do scared me! but, that does not matter as long as baby growing well inside.

i think my cholesterol level also has been increasing even doctor does not say any word bout it. i realized this because my neck getting more flappy! like my dad =( but my dad is 53 while im 24! will this change to normal after this?

i got double chin..no i think this is triple chin already! oh baby, mummy being so kind to u by eating everything she craves for...hope u r doing fine inside...xoxo u!

okla, whatever it is, i think this is part of the hormone changes, it does make me feel unhappy bout the changes on my body currently. so better stop here...

1 comment:

  1. 10 kg in 7months shud be ok kot :)
    so far i masih begini. maintain 53kg.
    tak tahulah pertambahan nanti bile dah 6-7months kan?


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