Saturday, February 19, 2011

baby's gender

found this while blog walking. it's interesting and i've made some comparisons of reality and the shows that this is quite true.

chart ni compare umur ibu time pregnant/consume the baby and bulan bayi tersebut dilahirkan..

tp jgn percaya sgt sbb semuanya Allah yang tentukan, cuma ramai pasangan try to follow this chart and analysis shows that it is 99% accurate. chart ni dijumpai baru-baru ini tertanam di kawasan makam raja China berhampiran Peking. Ia kemudiannya dipamerkan diInstitute Sains Beijing. Carta ini dipercayai berusia lebih 700 tahun

so cuba la tgk2 kot2 berjaya :P


  1. athi! u'll deliver very soon. semoga segalanya berjalan lancar.iA.

  2. fathiyah.. make sure keep us informed k?

  3. baiklah..
    oh btw, hospital mane nnt? boleh la nk lawat klu around kl..

    btw, yg chart tu.. aku ngan adik aku betul.. kakak aku silap, and syamim pun silap..
    so, 50-50 chance then.. hehehe..

  4. take care sis! :)
    HAHAHA. mine punye betul lah prediction tue :)


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