April 7 2011 supposed to be my baby's EDD but Alhamdulillah he safely delivered 12days earlier than his EDD.
I went for weekly check-up with Dr Fauziah at APSH on Wednesday, 23rd March. Dr had analyse my fetal movement chart and seems that my baby's movement has been lessen from day to day. She suggested me to do CTG. Both my husband and I went to the Labour Room for the CTG observation. It was fine 20 minutes until the midwive told me that I actually already had contraction! (honestly as first time pregnant, I did not realize it is a contraction, I thought my baby is moving harder inside me!)
Went back to Dr Fauziah clinic, she did cervical opening check-up on me and the result was ---> 2-3cm open.She suggested me for induce on the same day. But my husband and I intend to wait for the real sign of labour.I got 3 days MC then.Still I went back to the office after the check-up to finish up all the works.Alhamdulillah everything was settled around 3pm and I went to surau for nap while waiting for my husband to finish work. At the same time, I already had blood show but no major contraction yet.
The feeling knowing that you are already in 1st phase labour give run of adrenaline on my husband and me. For the first time, I saw that how much my husband worried about our baby and me when he has to leave the house to work on Thursday morning as I got MC. that morning, I started to feel minor contractions. I can still do housework and yes, I do sweep the house, arrange things in the cabinet, change my bedsheet (in case I go into labour, at least my husband has new clean bedsheet as I has my confinement back in my hometown). I do the laundry, and cook lunch for myself. My parents started their journey to KL that afternoon. I know my mum was so worried. But I feel ok since the contraction not regular.My parents and little bro arrive that evening and my lovely husband came back from office earlier that day.
Midnight, I had a major contraction while sleeping. and I wait for the next contraction to come to record the time. But it was none. so I went back to sleep. the next morning, blood show stops. We went out for breakfast and I ate nasi lemak with sambal udang + teh ais.after breakfast, I decided to go the APSH. We went straight to the labour room and I had another CTG. now, I really feels the contractions...the midvive checked my cervic opening --> 3-4cm. Dr Fauziah ask me to be admitted.
and the real labour beginssss.....(next post)....
wah.. suspense nye..