Friday, March 6, 2009

the phone calls

Dear blog,

Yesterday, I got two calls. one from Strategi Sepakat Sdn Bhd, a bumiputra company for geotecnical and hyrdology consultants company based in Subang Jaya. They company owner, Tuan Hj Zahari would like me to join the company's team to do slope mapping in Grik. I will join three other experienced geologist to do this project. Though it is only project basic contract with this company, I am happy since this is my first positive response I received after two weeks of trying to get job as a geologist. I am interested to join the team as a fresh grad and will start the mapping next tuesday. All of us will be gathered at Grik Resthouse for briefing. I told Mr Hisham, Tn Hj Zahari's assistant that I will confirm with him latest by last night.

Then, around 5.30pm, I received another call from Suhana in CGGVeritas, KLCC. She said, I got an interview with CGGVeritas next wednesday at 1000am for position of Processing Geophysicist. I was like, ALHAMDULILLAH!!! Though this position is not really what I studied before (I did Major Geology, minor geophysics) but I will try my best, at least to gain experience being interviewed by other oil and gas company apart from Petronas. I am hoping what ever that will comes later on for me, is the best for me, for my family, for my religion, for my future and also for everyone else. I don't want to put high hopes but I will try my best for this interview. InsyaAllah. Please pray for me. I hope my luck is better here than in Petronas since they doesn't want my service, thus I am more than happy to serve other companies.

I just believe in two things, particularly for what I am facing currently...

" Rezeki Allah ada di mana-mana, setiap org rezekinya berbeza-beza, jalan yg bakal di lalui berbeza-beza, namun tujuan utama tetap sama"


" Putus asa tidak salah asalkan tidak membuatkan kita lemah selama-lamanya, Allah tidak menghilangkan rasa sedih dan kecewa dari hati kita, tp Allah juga menyediakan kekuatan utk kita bangun semula merancang masa hadapan...insyaAllah"

1 comment:

Drop you thoughtful cherry here. Thank You =)
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