For the last three weeks, I mengalami sakit gigi yang sgt tak selesa.
Ianya bermula dari bengkak pada gusi wisdom tooth. I memang ada wisdom tooth yg baring dan belum dibuang lagi. Pernah dah sakit sebelum ni, just before I knew that I am pregnant. Citer original kat sini. At the same time masa sakit gigi tu, I kena sinus. Macam selesema, with lots of kahak.
Pada awalnya, I pergi klinik panel biasa because I thought it was tonsil infection.Doc bagi mouth gargle je coz mmg tak nampak tonsil bengkak, but some putih2 dekat gusi like infections, he said.
Few days later, sakit tu belum hilang. So, I asked my dentist friend (Dr Rabiah who is furthering her PhD in Forensic Dentistry in Adelaide Uni, Australia) about my condition. With her suggestion, I knew it's not related to my tonsil, but my wisdom tooth. So, cepat2 I pergi jumpa local dentist.
So, it comes out that my gusi that covers my wisdom tooth was bitten by my upper back tooth coz the above gusi tengah bengkak (at this time, belum tahu reason kenapa gusi atas bengkak).
Doc do some scaling, and prescribed me with Amoxicillin Antibiotics which is safe for pregnant lady While the bitten gusi dah baik, I feel another painful feeling dekat my geraham belah atas pulak.
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Amoxicillin Antibiotic |
Kesakitan pun mmg tak menyelesakan, I can't sleep during night and it's very annoying, MashaAllah!
So, a week after consuming the antibiotics, I went back to the local dentist and she examined my gigi again. Luckily, gusi yg kena bitten by gigi atas dah ok, But the constant feeling of gigi sensitif tu so strong. Doc ketuk2 all my gigi, and found out that one of the gigi yg ada tampalan besar yg menyebabkan I sakit..
There you go, dah tau gigi mana yg jadi culprit. So, doc cakap, I kena buat Root Canal Treatment.
Of course la, I tanya dulu safe ke for pregnancy etc2... Luckily doc tu sendiri tengah pregnant jugak. So she advises buat je just that I tak bleh ambil xray la. The correct step for RCT ni, kena xray dulu. But doc ni terus je buat untuk I without seeing the xray image.
I had taken one xray of my teeth last Sep/Oct tp tak bawak plak xray image tu pergi jumpa local dentist kat sini.
For the RCT, doc cakap, maybe I kena datang lagi sekali, sebab biasanya dentist tak dapat siapakn dalam 1 treatment. But its all depending.
I got 2 injections for local bius dekat tepi gigi tu. Masa inject tu sakit la jugak. After ubat bius took effect, doc pun mulakan procedures. Fuh, lenguh mulut nganga. It took about 45-60 minutes camtu la.
Masa process RCT ni, doc masukkan jarum2 kecik kat dalam saraf akar gigi ni. I had three akar for the gigi yg infected ni. So 3x jarum2 kecik masuk. I'm sure, kalau tak de bius, sakit gila kot!
Jarum2 tu untuk buang infected pulp dekat akar.
At this time, doc tak cakap pon punca infection. Maybe not that important for her. But I was eager to know, of course.
After selesai RCT, doc just bagi panadol for tahan sakit. The process cost me RM380. Memang I tau kalau buat RCT, harganya sangat mahal.
After ubat bius habis, mulalah rasa sakit yg sangat dekat treated tooth. That night, I can't eat anything yg keras. makan nasi sikit je. I can't even communicate properly, sbb so sakit to bukak mulut. Moody jugak la , luckily my husband understood walaupun dia dok buat joke, nnt kena pakai gigi palsu!
Nangis I bila husband buat joke camtu, dah la tengah pregnant, extra sensitif jadinya.
But since I am more matured for this pregnancy, nangis kejap, pastu bolayan la..
Malam tu I whatsapp Dr Rabiah and she was a bit shocked yg procedures RCT I finished in one treatment. Alhamdulillah, doc yg treated I ckp tak perlu datang lagi, she managed to find all three roots. Dia ckap, maybe Allah permudahkan since I am pregnant.. I was at 31 weeks at that time.
Dr Rabiah (my friend) explained in details la pasal what should I expect after RCT. How's the pain gonna last etc. She even prescribed me with Augmentin Antibitiocs since my local dentist tak bg apa2 tambahan antibiotics.
I bought this from pharmacy. Pic ni old packaging. Now dosage dia 10 tablets for 5 days intake.
So, I habiskan my Amoxicillin by morning of 2nd day RCT. After dinner on the 2nd day after RCT, I terus amik Augmentin (after advised by Dr Rabiah).
To share the truth, kesakitan selepas RCT is something unexpected. I baca surveys, ramai yg tak rasa sakit right after RCT. tp dalam 5-7% akan rasa mild pain at the treated tooth. I was one of them, perhaps my immune system is a bit low coz I am pregnant kan.
Day 1- Right after RCT, bius hilang. sakit sgt! berdenyut2. tak leh cakap and makan slow2 je kunyah. Waktu sujud time solat sgt sakit, mcm menyucuk2 berdenyut. Coz salur darah ikut graviti time kita sujud tu. something like that la Dr Adaw said. I took panadol, and rasa sakit tu hilang after 1 hr. Dapat tidur but still ada la pain .just ignore.
Day 2- bangun pagi untuk subuh, sakit sgt lagi! lepas solat subuh, rasa pening kepala and I amik panadol lagi. Breakfast pun makan roti cicah air teh tarik je. Too sakit too kunyah and open yr mouth. Memang kena avoid chewing on the side of treated tooth. Malam, ada rasa kurang sikit. Started to take the Augmentin. Dapt tidur, ada terbangun kejap sebab feel slight pain dekat gigi tu.
Day 3- Bangun solat subuh, still feel the pain. but less severe from day 2. Makan 2 biji panadol.
Breakfast dpt makan soto. Still kena chew perlahan-lahan and avoid that side of treated tooth. Lunch pon still sama.
Continue taking Augmentin. Malam dapt rasa kurang sakit,lidah dpt sentuh treated tooth with less pain.
Day 4- Bangun solat subuh, very minimal pain. Dah tak ambil panadol.
Can almost eat like normal diet, just chew slowly and avoiding the side of treated tooth. Bila sentuh that treated tooth dengan lidah, dapat rasa the pain is reducing slowly. Still continue with Augmentin.
Day 5- Very less and minimal pain. continue Augmentin.
Day 6- Almost like normal. Last intake of Augmentin. Tp berhati2 bila kunyah and avoid minum air panas and air terlalu sejuk. Sebab akan rasa ngilu kat treated tooth.
Day 7- Like normal. Continue oral care as told by Dr Rabiah and local dentist.
So the oral care involves,
1. Rinse mouth every after meal. Kalau ada listerine, used that. If takde, air paip pon ok. Just to avoid further infection from food yg stuck.
2. Slowly brush tooth yg kena RCT. Don't push too hard on that tooth.
Anyway, these are my teeth! hahahha, jgn takut tengok. I had few tampalan. and the one yg circle tu kena Root Canal Treatment.
The reasons are:-
1. I kena sinus. So line putih kat atas gigi/mulut tu ialah laluan sinus. Biasanya, kalau ok, ada angin je dalam tu. But bila kena selesema or sinus, ada mucus (kahak etc).
2. Since akar gigi atas menghampiri laluan sinus (line putih tu), akar tu infected dengan mucus yg ada dlm tu menyebabkan infection pada akar gigi tersebut. Memandangkan gigi yg dalam circle tu dah mmg pernah rosak dan ada tampalan besar, maka gigi tu cepat la infected berbanding gigi2 lain.
3. Bila akar infected, and no proper antibiotics were taken, kesakitan tu berpanjangan dan perlukan rawatan akar/saraf which is RCT.
I only knew all these reasons after I shared this image dengan Dr Rabiah, my personal dentist!
Luckily, bila dah tau punca nya dari sinus, I rasa lebih lega. Means, its not something related to gigi kotor ke rosak ke apa. It;s just a natural situation, Too bad it happened when I am pregnant, so mmg berkurang la sikit makan coz sakit gigi.
Anyway, I would like to thanks Dr Rabiah sebab bg consultation free for me from far. Tengah2 malam pun layan my whatsapp and she worries about me. Bersyukur ada kawan seorang dentist.
Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan PhD dia and grant her with a baby soon! Insya Allah..
Kesimpulan daripada entry terlajak panjang ni, kalau sakit gigi dan kena RCT, jangan takut.....
akk kena dentist ni penakut skt...akk dah 2x buat canal root bkn during pregnancy..
ReplyDeletealhamdulillah la.takdela sakit..cumanya..bila dia bersihkan celah gigi kita tu dia rasa mcm nilu yg hamat!