Hari rabu haritu, i took half day leave utk bawa Ilyaas Hafiy cucuk for 2months.Remember my last post pasal nak bagi immunization for kids dekat private or gomen klinik kan? So, sebagai seorang umi dan ayah, my husband and I decided to give it a try first dkt Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak.Honestly, masa pregnant mmg xpernah pegi buat check-up dkt gomen klinik.bukan sbb tak suka or anything, just because my company insurance cover utk pre-natal check-up dkt private, so mesti la gunakan kelebihan tu kan (but tak best mana pun!)
KKIA dkt BBS ni dkt sgt2 je dgn rumah so pagi2 gi breakfast ngn husband dulu then baru gi klinik.dapat first person utk appointment that day. within 0ne hour semua dah settle.dah jumpa nurse for ukuran berat dan panjang Ilyaas, dah jumpa doctor, dah jumpa nurse yg check2 pasal perkembangan Ilyaas + Umi's breastfeeding + dah cucuk..
So, the service mmg tip top, nurses semua baik, selalu senyum and environment sgt memberansangkan..Five Star for this! =) I will definitely take all the injections here in KKIA and will also go to private for injections yg tak dicover di klinik gomen seperti pneumonia injections etc...bukan sbb apa, dah 2 orang nieces sebelah my husband pernah kena pneumonia, so i would better take earlier precaution for ILyaas.
Ilyaas was being good all the time. Handling him alone (sbb hubby pegi keja terus after send us to KKIA), is easy. Not much ragam just nak menyusu je.and sgt senang sbb breastfeed him, dia nangis nak susu, just wear my nursing cover, terus boleh bagi susu dah.no need to bukak botol susu, isi susu tepung, isi air panas and goncang2 botol..easier...if kena buat mcm tu, it will be harder for me to handle him alone. (that's why dah banyak kali i just went out alone with Ilyaas without hassle even for my post-natal check-up at 47days, i drove car with Ilyaas in the car seat alone ulang alik to KLCC-Ampang Puteri...)
Oh, instead of half day leave, have to take full day sbb after the injection, Ilyaas was having fever.Tidak kesampaian pula hati ni nak gi hantar Ilyaas kat babysitter and pergi keja..So I stayed at home with Ilyaas for the whole day to monitor his fever.
ni snapshot yg sempat diambil on the way back from klinik to our house...lihatlah muka Ilyaas yang masam mencuka serta sebek sbb kena cucuk time tgh2 nyenyak tidur...

(btw ni Ilyaas new-car seat , brand safe n sound, bought at babycottage last week. It has four recline positions so we decided to take it.worth from newborn-18kg...original price rm599, tp dpt discount member, jadilah rm479.
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