Friday, June 17, 2011

i must nailed these in my mind n heart!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

-so, if i want something in my life, i rather start now.if not, i will stuck in this shell forever-

don't compare my life with others! it's never the same even a minute!live in REALITY.

tipula kan kalau cakap tak teringin nak pakai handbag branded mahal2 seperti Coach, ferragamo,gucci,prada, redley, yada yada yada (the list never stop) .tipula kan, kalau tak teringin nak tgk Ilyaas bermain dgn mainan2 first class. tipula kan kalau cakap tak teringin nak beli baju2 branded seperti Osh Kosh, Guess, Mothercare (yg mahal bukan yg Great Value), Pumpkin Patch,...tipula kalau cakap tak teringin nak bagi hadiah mahal2 dkt husband time anniversary, time birthday, time father's day...tipula jugak kalau tak terasa betapa sikitnya duit yg diberi pada parents tiap2 bulan kalau nak compare dgn berjuta2 pelaburan yg mereka dah pernah laburkan utk diri ni...

oh, ok back to reality. boleh ke seluar sehelai berharga rm700 dikatakan murah? crazy laaa, berapa byk gaji dia dpt kalau seluar rm700 sehelai dikatakan murah? kalau rm7 ke rm17 ke, murah la kira.rm70 kira ok-ok.

jgn bersedih dgn apa yg kita tak dapat nak miliki, tp bersedihlah kalau kita hidup hutang keliling pinggang..(hutang zaman moden ialah via credit card ye bukan ditulis dlm buku 555 mcm dkt kedai runcit kat kampung).

gambaran en suami memberi nasihat kepada cik isteri tentang erti kehidupan bersama.