Sunday, July 17, 2011

Waiting for my Buckle Tai by NeezaNeedles

Ilyaas is going to turn 4months in 8 days. For his 4months birthday, I bought him (actually I bought myself) a baby-carrier. This carrier is a hand-made carrier by NeezaNeedle. I was spying Kak Neeza's hand work since I started working after confinement.

I read her blog and fb fanpage to complile all the information regarding the baby-carrier. She is expert in Mei-Tai, Buckle Tai and also Onbuhimo. So, after about one month plus of thinking and discussion with the other half, I decided to order a Buckle Tai from Kak Neeza. She actually has two versions of Buckle Tai called NNBT-V1 and V2@ Merak. I am lucky that I get to be in the list of first few person to buy the Merak and get the beginner price.Can't wait to see mine. Kak Neeza is still sewing mine.

Apart from choosing type of baby-carrier that we like, we can also choose the fabric we want. NeezaNeedles got variety of fabrics from Designer Imported Fabric or Local Fabric. You can even bring your own fabric to make your custom-made baby-carrier. For me, I choose Designer Imported Fabric from NeezaNeedle FB fanpage. The prices are different based on type of carrier we choose and also fabric we want.
This is the fabric I choose.Dinoland Panel

Actually, Hubster is not interested in this baby-carrier idea. He would rather carry Ilyaas via hand or put him on stroller. Since we are using Maclaren Quest Sport Stroller (present from Nenek), which is a bit lowered, I am not 100% agree with the idea using the stroller everywhere we go. The stroller might be compatible for indoor trips in supermarket but not compatible for outdoor trips like Pasar Malam or Bazaar Ramadhan. Ilyaas will be too exposed in the lowered stroller and I don't feel its safe. Some more, being first time mum, of course I want to try wearing my baby while shopping. So, let's see how Ilyaas reacting when I wear him later.

By the way, why did I choose Buckle-Tai (a copycat version of Mei-Tai but using buckle instead of long fabric that need to be tied) rather than commercial carrier like Baby Bjorn or Anakku? I'll write my reasons and opinions on this in later entry sebab Ilyaas is already merengek asking for his milk...So, Umi has to stop now...

1 comment:

  1. my baby pun nama ilyas but just ilyas aje
    blh kwn dgn ilyaas hafiy ni :)


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