Thursday, July 28, 2011

Me wearing Ilyaas

Yesterday was the first time I tried wearing Ilyaas. Mmg excited nak try, so since hubster kena overtime and I have to go back first, so after pick up Ilyaas from babysitter's, I started to do houseworks. Kesian nak tinggalkan Ilyaas main dalam cot. so I tried to wear him using my new handmade buckle tai.
Alhamdulillah Ilyaas suka! and this buckle tai is definitely comfortable and it does not hurt my c-sect wound. Thus, I do some cam-whoring with my little bam-bam.

ps: actually ada sleep hood for buckle tai ni, tp i unattached it sbb Ilyaas tak tidur pun


  1.'s like a great idea la..klu tak pki buckle tai pakai bb carrier pun bolehlaaa. senang nk buat kje umah, kan..;p

  2. Setuju dgn Nad jugak!
    macam best je buckle tai ni athi :)
    but batrisya macam kecik lagi, nanti die tenggelam pulak dalam tue. hehe.
    dah besar sket kot boleh la mama die beli nanti :D


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