Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Things we did In Terengganu (March 2013)

Misi bawa Imani balik kampung sebelah husband di Bukit Payong Terengganu telah berjaya dilaksanakan on 20th March sampai 25th March. Alhamdulillah. We survived the long journey with two kids. 
Walaupun end result after dah balik rumah, Ilyaas had minor fever. Now recovering already. 

It has been a while since our last visit to Terengganu. Last balik, Imani was still inside me. Sekarang dah 2 bulan dah. Some of the activities yang kitaorang sekeluarga sempat buat semasa berada kat Terengganu ialah...

-Riadah with anak-anak sedara di Taman Rekreasi Stadium KT
-Riadah wajib setiap petang di halaman rumah parents in law sambil minum petang (keropok lekor dan teh tarik)
-Lunch with family di Chicken Rice Shop-serta perlu nursing in public again- so happy that I can use the best nursing cover ever!
- Melawat Pasar Payang....yaaaaayyyyyyy for that.
- Being loved by my fav nephew so far, Arman Fahim. He did handmade bouquet for his mum and also myself.
He even help to massage my sore hand. And top of all, he helps to take care of Ilyaas.

-Majlis Akikah dan Cukur Jambul Imani Hafiyya
-Kenduri Uncle Sop
-Dinner at D'ganu Steamboat Cafe at Pulau Duyong
- Menikmati keindahan Kuala Terengganu

Selain tu, lawatan ke Giant Gong Badak juga telah dilakukan. Lebih tenang dan tidak serabut seperti Giant di Bandar KT. :P 

Entry lebih detail akan menyusul. Sekarang masa bersama anak-anak. K bye2


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