Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008: My Tic Tac Year

My 2009 New Year Eve Celebration with fireworks at Burswood Park near my apartment on 31/12/2008 Night

the time flies so fast..i don't even realize that its already 2009, 9 years after the whole world worrying about Y2K virus when the world enter Year 2000.during that time, I was very young, 13 years old.just enter boarding school, start to live far from family ( it is so far..i'm at the southern part and there are at the northern part)..i guest, it was a good practice for me after all to be more independent on myself. 8years ago, I was very comot girl wearing baju kurung and tudung everywhere in the college..i mean my high school, i call it college since its name as Tunku Kurshiah College=) But now, today...I am no more wearing baju kurung n have the comot attitude ( as far as i concern)


this year is somehow memorable for me in its very own way...why?

1- i finished study! Alhamdulillah.. u know the feeling of finishing study is very2 is a mixed of HOOORRRAYYYY u make it baby but welcome to the new challenging unpredictable world waiting for u

2-i completed one of my list wish to do road trip in ausie, even it was during fieldtrip with Lindsay (Lindsay Collins, not Lindsay Lohan:-p)..basically the road trip@ field trip was held for 15days involving 2670km return way from Perth to Exmouth stopping at Kalbarri, Carnavon and Williambury. It was the very best field trip ever I've ever involve because the lecturers were very2 cool.they even stopped at tourist attraction places along the way and allowed the students to enjoy all of it! Lindsay even becoming our lifeguard when all the students were swimming in Indian Ocean=)

3- i joined with WAPEC (Western Australia Petronas Club) as committee member and do some contributions to the club such as during grand dinner, WAPEC away day, Interview Session for OZ Bound Students etc2..Thank you committee, I learn a lot with u guys.

4- I becoming more mature once this year! after I think about future and took a big decision for my life. InsyaAllah it will be the best way for me, if not at least for now.

5- I make ayah n mak proud of me beacause of the Best Performance in Petroleum Related Subejects Award from uni and Geological Society of Australia. Alhamdulillah, never expected for this but again, Alhamdulillah.

6- I treasure friendship with lots of people!:) U guys are nice and make me happy in ur own way..

7- and not to forget, I managed to go to Melbourne and Sydney during last winter break.It was a superb trip that I cramped into only one week. I wish I can go there again especially Sydney next time

8- One more thing- I camping for more than two weeks in my own tent in the middle of Western Australia desert+bushes and experience minus temperature with frost for the first time! and not to mention, natural toilet for two weeks! and tak mandi more than 3 days! thank u Widgiemooltha..

after all, lots of things happened and remain in my heart n mind forever..they will be my references when I'm in need of them in the future. Thank You Allah for allowing me to enjoy my 2008 and give chance for me to treasure another year. Lets start a new delightful year of 2009=)


  1. glad u had fun, dear.. =)
    blk nnt, jgn rindu2 perth dah tau? hehe..

  2. sis happy new year!!!wish u all the best!!


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