Friday, January 13, 2012

Lunch Date at Mee Rebus Utara

I had a lunch date yesterday, with my dearest husband of course. Well, actually hari-hari pun we had lunch date, since we both are working in the same office. I found this very helpful in developing and maintaining our relationship especially after dah ada anak sorang ni. Kat rumah balik je dua-dua busy uruskan urusan rumah tangga and uruskan hal anak. Kadang-kadang time nak tidur baru ada masa bertegur sapa balik..tu kalau sempat, kalau tak I will fall asleep earlier with Ilyaas while bf him. So peluang ber-lunch date bersama setiap hari sangat2 saya appreciate. 

So, semalam, we decided to ubah angin dari makan di kedai biasa, we went to Mee Rebus Utara , located in KL Festival Walk. Selalu bila lalu lalang sini mmg nampak this shop always full house. 
Actually this restaurant ada two floors. Bahagian bawah looks like the picture above while on the top floor it looks like very cozy and kampung-like version as picture below.

For privacy, of course la kitaorg pilih floor atas to dine-in. Here, we need to order and pay at the counter first before decided where to sit. The waiter won't come to you table to ask for the order. After order and pay your food at the counter, they will give you a number. You can choose where to sit and just show your number, so that waiter can see and send your food and drinks. 
The choices of food are as in picture below.Not bad tho, the taste is good!=)

Even the kedai is very famous with its mee rebus and pasembor, we did not take that. Nampak je ada menu keow teow goreng and char keow teow, terus we both took that one. The char keow teow is ok. not as good as the one at my hometown in BM but the koew teow goreng is marvelous. Macam kat kedai mamak okeh. Air juice tembikai laici tu mahal gila , sila order cendol atau ice kacang lagi murah dari juice. juice tu naik harga RM6, padahal pamerkan harga RM5 je..while cendol RM3 only and ice kacang is RM4.50..Lain -lain harga leh refer pic kat atas ni yer..

Well, banyak lagi restaurants and shop lots along KL Festival Walk ni, like Summer Milk Tea, Leko-leko, The Kulai, ada kedai ice cream and coffee bar jugak, plus butik2 kecil and exclusive such as LanBaharin. hehe, I am eyeing lots of Lanbaharin signature design seperti shoes and baju kurung. Wait till I buy one, mesti tayang ngn semua pembaca.Heheheheh...Ok, till then, banyak lagi velocity location nak kena picked ni...

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