And today is Ilyaas' first day at nursery..
Monday, February 27, 2012
Today, 27 Feb 2012
I'm officially a master student. Studying analysis on fracture basement plays in SE Asia...Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
And today is Ilyaas' first day at nursery..
And today is Ilyaas' first day at nursery..
Friday, February 24, 2012
Motherhood Expo,KLCC 2012
Assalamualaikum semua, tgh hari tadi, lepas lunch dgn hubby and my friends merangkap agent insurans, saya ke Motherhood Expo 2012 dekat KL Convention Center. Alang-alang tunggu husband gi solat jumaat, so saya pon ronda-ronda la kat dalam ni..Seronok jugak sebab dah lama tak pusing-pusing expo sorang-sorang. Takde target pon nak beli apa..
Ada Dynas promote her nursing blouses.. Btw she's carrying her second tau..cepat kan, kita bila lagi ek? hahahah...tunggguuuu
Banyak booth yang jual baju maternity and nursing (including bras and breastfeeding accessories), dalam dok pusing2 tu rasanya Medela FS paling murah boleh dapat dlm RM1799 kot...tapi tak ingt kat booth mana. Medela Harmony RM199 (standard la kot,survey Harmony sbb dah ada PISA, so nnt dpt baby no 2 nak beli Harmony je ...tapi klu husband nak hadiahkan FS masa tu, pucuk dicita ulam mendatang *hint* )
Selain breastfeeding accessories, ada beberapa booth for makanan baby. Antaranya Heinz, Nestley and satu lagi Non Halal (from China rasanya).. Ni gambar kat booth Nestle Cerelac. saya dgr kejap je sbb Ilyaas tak feveret sgt pon makan nestum nestle semua ni..
Selain tu, banyak sgt booth jual evamatic mat/playmat yang selamat untuk baby. saya pernah beli satu last year kat midvalley expo.. tp Ilyaas suka korek-korek.sekarang dah berlubang, tp masih boleh digunakan. Survey juga tikar2 ni sbb plan nak tambah tp susah nak usung bawa balik sbb td pegi naik LRT je mmg banyak la corak-corak menarik and pelbagai size.kena pandai cari untuk dapatkan harga yang murah..
Pureen pon ada sale banyak baju and keperluan baby. Baju semurah RM10..but mostly newborn to 6-12m la..tak de size Ilyaas. Haha, anak saya tu dah nearly 10kg, xde nye muat pakai size 12m..kena pakai 18-24m dah...Romper comel2 pon banyak gak.siap ada yang team bola, angry bird semua tu..Singgah jugak kat booth Lunatots. Dapat borak jap ngn Kak Suraya Lunatots. Nak try CD, tp masih belum berani..tunggu dulu lah...bila sampai seru..hihihi...Oh kat booth Lunatots, plastic storage Suri sgt murah!!! tak ingt berapa tp murahla dari kat kedai...Saya tak beli sbb masih banyak stock plastic Suri ni plus skrg hasil EBM tak banyak sgt, jadi simpan terus dalam botol2 yang ada je, dah jarang guna plastic. tp zaman susu tgh meriah dulu, mmg jadi pengguna tegar plastic Suri yang best ni..
Selain tu, bagi sapa-sapa yang tgh cari car seat or stroller or baby carrier, banyak jugak nampak tadi. Siap ada demonstration semua tu lagi. baby carrier pulak comel-comel! Tergugat iman saya..nasib baik Merak SSCsaya masih comel dan kukuh..
Btw, tak lama pon jenjalan kat situ..50 minutes je..Dan inilah damage yang terhasil...
Sepasang Soft Shoes Mamas&Papas *RM20 only...ada satu booth jual RM26 the exact same shoes*
Play Tent *Ada beberapa design such as pink barbie, blue underwater, cars, tunnels , tp sy pilih yang ni sebab murah + size paling besar + unisex*Harga lepas tawar dpt RM52..
Balik je rumah excited terus pasang tent ni..Nasib baik anak teruna tu suka..saya pun suka jugak...heheh.
Luas and tinggi, kita pon boleh duduk dalam tu main sekali..
Okayla, itu je update untuk kunjungan cik kiah ke motherhood expo hari ni.. Esok dan Lusa masih ada sapa2 nak gi,boleh la pegi jalan-jalan cuci mata..
For more info, boleh baca kat blog ni
Selamat Berhujung Minggu
*Nota: Minggu depan jumpa di Perak, Iallah*
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Ampang Lookout Point closed????
Pagi tadi comment2 dekat status my friend..sekali tercerita pasal Ampang Lookout Point..
Rupanya Ampang Lookout Point dah tutup until dorang dapat CF...
Ketinggalan kereta api sedikit saya ni pasal news ni..
Tapi still nak update dalam blog ni...sebab, bulan July 2011 yang lepas, saya and husband (bersama Ilyaas) dah pernah pegi makan di restoran kat Lookout Point ni...
Kirenya time makan ni belum tahu yang restoran ni semua tak dapat CF lagi..
Reason utama penutupan restoran di Lookout Point ni sebab takde CF yang sah, jadi investigation is going on bagi menentukan keselamatan pembinaan restoran di cerun yang berada pada 280m dari aras laut.
Untuk berita lanjut boleh baca di akhbar The Malay Mail. or di keratan akhbar ini...
Hmmm, sedih jugak bila tau restoran faveret dah ditutup.tak sempat nk bawa family besar gi makan-makan kat sini..Tapi takpela, sekurang -kurangnya gomen sedar dan ambil tindakan pada keadaan macam ni, sebab ni dah kira membahayakan nyawa pelanggan yang tak bersalah and tak tahu pasal ketidak -wujudan CF ni..
Nasib baik la kitaorg sempat merakam kenangan makan malam di sini...
Rupanya Ampang Lookout Point dah tutup until dorang dapat CF...
Ketinggalan kereta api sedikit saya ni pasal news ni..
Tapi still nak update dalam blog ni...sebab, bulan July 2011 yang lepas, saya and husband (bersama Ilyaas) dah pernah pegi makan di restoran kat Lookout Point ni...
Kirenya time makan ni belum tahu yang restoran ni semua tak dapat CF lagi..
Reason utama penutupan restoran di Lookout Point ni sebab takde CF yang sah, jadi investigation is going on bagi menentukan keselamatan pembinaan restoran di cerun yang berada pada 280m dari aras laut.
Untuk berita lanjut boleh baca di akhbar The Malay Mail. or di keratan akhbar ini...
Hmmm, sedih jugak bila tau restoran faveret dah ditutup.tak sempat nk bawa family besar gi makan-makan kat sini..Tapi takpela, sekurang -kurangnya gomen sedar dan ambil tindakan pada keadaan macam ni, sebab ni dah kira membahayakan nyawa pelanggan yang tak bersalah and tak tahu pasal ketidak -wujudan CF ni..
Nasib baik la kitaorg sempat merakam kenangan makan malam di sini...
gambar kenangan di Lookout Point |
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Takziah buat keluarga Arwah Faris Nur Daniel
Sejak beberapa hari yang lalu, saya banyak baca entri berkaitan penyakit HLH yang dihidapi oleh Arwah Faris Nur Daniel. First time saya tahu mengenai cerita ini melalu blog MyKhalish. Kemuadian, baca lagi cerita penuh di blog Mazidul Akmal .
Hati tersentuh sangat bila tengok gambar2 arwah berselirat sana sini dgn wayar penyambung oksigen dan sebagainya. Tak mampu bayangkan diri sendiri berada dalam keadaan begitu.
Allah lebih sayangkan anak kecil berusia 6 tahun ni...tepat jam 10.18 pagi tadi, arwah telah dijemput Allah pulang ke pangkuanNYA. InsyaAllah arwah akan menjadi bekalan buat akhirat ibu dan ayah nya.
Dengan itu, marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat arwah Faris Nur Daniel dan pohon doakan ketabahan keluarga mereka.
Hati tersentuh sangat bila tengok gambar2 arwah berselirat sana sini dgn wayar penyambung oksigen dan sebagainya. Tak mampu bayangkan diri sendiri berada dalam keadaan begitu.
Allah lebih sayangkan anak kecil berusia 6 tahun ni...tepat jam 10.18 pagi tadi, arwah telah dijemput Allah pulang ke pangkuanNYA. InsyaAllah arwah akan menjadi bekalan buat akhirat ibu dan ayah nya.
Dengan itu, marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat arwah Faris Nur Daniel dan pohon doakan ketabahan keluarga mereka.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Sayonara CGGVeritas
13.04.2009 : My first day working in CGGVeritas
13.04.2009 : I first time saw my husband. Boy who sits few meters from me in the office. Very quiet person.
01.08.2009 : Fly to Singapore for Georise
06.08.2009 : Fly to West Virginia via Munich and Washington Dallas
28.8.2009 : Back to Singapore
26.12.2009 : Rombongan merisik from husband. One month after came back from Singapore
25.02.2010 : Engagement
11.06.2010 : Marriage
25.03.2011 : Ilyaas was born
22.02.2012 : My last day in CGGVeritas
All the above are the important and unforgettable dates happened to me while I was employed by CGGVeritas. I meet my husband here. So, today is my last day after nearly 3 years working here.
Alhamdulillah, banyak pahit dan manis sebagai kenangan dan bekalan buat masa depan.
Banyak yang dipelajari sama ada dari segi geophysicnya mahupun pasal kehidupan.
Terima kasih CGGV for sending me to US for training.
Terima kasih CGGV sebab covered my delivery charge. Kalau takde insuran company, habis saving kat bersalin je. sbb masuk both labour and operation room.
From KLCC to MBI, I owe this company a lot. Bukanlah hutang duit ringgit mahupun project tak habis, but some how rasa attach to this company. Ye lah, tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, ini pulak tempat pertama kita bekerja, tempat jatuh cinta dgn suami sendiri kan...
Untuk pendekkan cerita dan tak mahu tulis panjang2 nnt rasa sedih sebab terpaksa tinggalkan kawan-kawan yang best dan supportive di CGGV ni, I better end with pictures. They made me felt so touched by a surprise farewell party. Thank You korang!!! Surely will be missed.
Julia and me at front desk
the girls
the girls again with aida in
mr lee n loady in
munirah and fariza
nora ..nice knowing u.
amiratul, my junior in school now junior at office.
abaikan kegemukan saya nmpk mcm sy tak pregnant
aida and tini.nice knowing guys.
kak nurul
kak sulastri
speech time, xpasal2 kena sebak2 bagi last words.syahdu sebentar
*This is for memory of my last day working in CGGV*
Keep in touch all
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Parkland Apartment, Cameron Highland
Ingat tak entry Ilyaas gi jalan-jalan ke Cameron Highland, bulan 10 tahun 2011 yang lepas?
Lama dah tu percutian tu. Sekarang baru rasa nak buat review pasal apartment yang kitaorg menginap masa percutian tu.
We stayed in Parkland Apartment, Brinchang. A nice, conducive and strategic location apartment!
Plus value for money.
I booked the hotel from internet via
So, got cheaper price compare to phone booking or walk-in booking.
The room was big enough to fit my whole family including parents and brothers.
It was a fully equipped apartment with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, one living room and a kitchen.
let's have a look on the apartment and surrounding.
The Surrounding
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brinchang town.view from balcony |
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backyard garden. view from our kitchen door |
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view from balcony.parking lot |
The Apartment
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first bedroom: 2 double beds + bathroom |
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second and third bedroom: 2 single beds + toilet for each room |
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kitchen |
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living room (got astro) |
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the apartment morning view |
Book Review: A Stolen Life by Jaycee Lee Dugard
Early of this month, I read one novel. Borrowed from a friend. It was a very good novel, title
A Stolen Life.
Written by Jaycee Lee Dugard.
It was her real experience being captive from the age of 11 years old, until 29 years old by a couple.
During her 18 years of captivating in the backyard, she gave birth to two girls. She got her first child at the age of 14 and second's at 17. She endures all the pains herself, she did not deliver them at hospital but in backyard. something I can't imagine a teenager has to endure. Being delivered a person myself, I think it is so scary for Jaycee.
In this book, Jaycee tells us about how she was treated as a sex slave by her kidnapper. A very mental torturing moment I believe. Weird thing is nobody in the neighborhood realize their (Jaycee and her daughters) existence at the backyard.
The book was amazingly brings me to feel the real feeling of Jaycee for her 18 years being captive by the sex offender. Pity her.
For full story of Jaycee Dugard, please read here.
A Stolen Life.
Written by Jaycee Lee Dugard.
It was her real experience being captive from the age of 11 years old, until 29 years old by a couple.
During her 18 years of captivating in the backyard, she gave birth to two girls. She got her first child at the age of 14 and second's at 17. She endures all the pains herself, she did not deliver them at hospital but in backyard. something I can't imagine a teenager has to endure. Being delivered a person myself, I think it is so scary for Jaycee.
In this book, Jaycee tells us about how she was treated as a sex slave by her kidnapper. A very mental torturing moment I believe. Weird thing is nobody in the neighborhood realize their (Jaycee and her daughters) existence at the backyard.
The book was amazingly brings me to feel the real feeling of Jaycee for her 18 years being captive by the sex offender. Pity her.
For full story of Jaycee Dugard, please read here.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
One day left for fabric selection
Tumpang Iklan MyHafiy Blogshop kat sini jap yer....Aci la kan? Tuan yang sama kan...
*Fabrics selection is open until February 21st*
It's tomorrow!!! Only ONE day left...
Assalamualaikum all,
Alhamdulillah, our first edition of diaper clutch is reaching the end. Thus, I would like to open orders to those interested to purchase diaper clutch (2nd edition).
Please feel free to view the fabric selection below. And do let me know which one you are interested, just by leaving your comments at this post or can email me at
Nak tahu kegunaan Diaper Clutch? Boleh baca di sini
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Another one week
It's Saturday morning again. Bless that I don't have to get myself ready for work. And my little son don't have to wake up too early to be send to babysitter's.
Yesterday, I took the exit interview with HR representative from APAC office in Singapore. Means it will be another one week for me before my last day working as a geophysicist. Again, I still think its really a big decision I've made in my life. I really can't imagine what's life lays for me after this. Being a full-time student in research, and being a mother. Anybody got this experience? Please share it with me...I don't know what to expect.
Planning to send Ilyaas to nursery instead of looking for new babysitter in Tronoh. I have found one potential nursery. This mid-afternoon, I am going to meet the teacher and owner of the nursery to discuss few things on registration and what knots. I think it is already time for Ilyaas to start socializing with other kids and get some skills at school.
Hope things going the way as we plan. But I always know Allah yang menentukan segalanya. Semoga semuanya diberkati Allah.dan dipermudahkanNYA.
till we meet again. I'm off to Tronoh.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Starz Garden, Sogo

Destinasi utama ialah nak ke Level 7 Sogo. Ada Starz Garden. I got to know this indoor playground from blog Nur.
Memang dah lama simpan cita-cita nak ke starz garden ni since baca entry from Nur. So, we I got chance like this terus hantar application kat husband mintak izin. Lucky he approves! Hehe..
Akhirnya dapat gak bawak Ilyaas ke tempat ni. Sort of playschool jugak la, tapi tak de orang pun on weekdays ni..
The whole room was Ilyaas'. Memang heaven lah anak teruna tu.
This is the entrance. Senang je, naik life terus ke Level 7. Kena register kat counter. Letak nama anak and parents. Also kena bagi 4 digits secret number as a password. In case you want to leave your child there while you go shopping, the numbers will be the key for you to claim your child later. There are few nanny around to supervise your child. However, kids below 3 years old, need adult/guardian to stay with them in starz garden.
Ilyaas baru nak panas kan badan time sampai. Mula-mula tu tak nak lepas umi langsung. Padahal takde orang pun dalam tu. Saja anti social..Bila dia sedar the whole room belongs to him, baru dia start naik sheikh.heheh...
Jom main huruf umi....XOX umi!
The room was big enough to occupied lots of children. Ada banyak tables macam dekat nursery for the kids to play. Ada jugak sand coloring section for older kids.
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Reading section. Tapi tak banyak sgt choice buku yang ada. Just nice la for those yang dah boleh membaca bila dah boring main. For parents yang menuggu pun ada jugak magazines untuk dibaca nak hilangkan boring.
Ni pulak TV/rest room. I breastfeed Ilyaas here sambil layan movie Barbie. Cozy and rasa ngantuk je. Ada satu playpen jugak kat dalam ni for baby. Dah lepas recharge energy, Ilyaas pon sambung main.
Mula-mula main susun blocks. Ouch!Double chin spotted
Then nak belajar menulis pulak...Nak tulis apa ye?
Tulis ni la...
Dah boring belajar menulis, nak main ni pulak. Tibe-tibe Ilyaas jadi garang sebab umi asyik nak snap gambar je. Sorry sayang, umi excited. Sebab umi rasa ni mcm gymboree class tp yg murah punya. heheh and umi sendiri yang ajar Ilyaas.Mainan ni feveret Ilyaas. lama melekat kat sini.
Dah boring? Main puzzles pulak puzzles ni mcm lagi sedap kalau rs dgn mulut dulu.. (semua nak masuk mulut dulu budak ni)
Umi, kenapa asyik amik gambar Ilyaas ni? Ayah mana ?
Kita call ayah kejap la ye? tapi tak jumpa fon la umi.. Pakai mouse pon boleh la..
Hello...hello Ayah ke ....Come here Ayah..Let's play with me...
Eh! nampak ball yang banyak....jom merangkak gi dekat ball...
Banyaknye ball. Takut saya tenggelam dalam ni...
Umi, boleh tak nak jilat ball ni?
Penat dah ni. Terlentang dalam lautan bola. Muka ngantuk. And it's already 5.30pm , so kitaorg pon make a move back. balik rumah, cook him pumpkin and chicken with rice porridge for dinner. Main kejap and terus tidur.
- Bayaran masuk : RM6 for 1 hour (for 1 kid), or RM45 for 10 hours.
- Kids below 3 yrs old need a guidance around
- Drink is provided.Food can be ordered.
- Can reserve the whole room for function like birthday part etc with price RM20-30 per pax including food, room renting, goodies bag and activities during party.
- For more info, please visit their website.
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