Syukur ke hadrat Allah. Semalam, 25 March 2014, my first born turned 3 years old.
From little fragile baby boy who weighted only 2.98kg, he is now a strong, energetic and loud boy weight 15.5kg.
Ilyaas was born at 6.58pm, at Ampang Puteri Hospital via emergency c-section. Doctor yg sambut Ilyaas was Dr.Fauziah Hassan. Read our treasured birthing experience here and here.
Ilyaas officially becomes an 'abang' at the age of 22 months old. Was very naive and innocent at that time. But now he is a very proud 'Abang Yaash'. That's what he keep on telling people when we introduce our kids.
Umi tak nak membebel panjang-panjang, jom kita imbas gambar-gambar Ilyaas sepanjang 12 bulan yang lepas...
Masa awal2 masuk 2 tahun, Ilyaas suka sgt makan roti canai. Almost every weekend akan makan roti canai. Lama-lama jadi boring. N now bertukar ke nasi lemak as fav food for breakfast.
Always a happy kid when he saw a playground.
We bought him a normal bicycle at the age of 29/30 months.
Gigih umi and ayah cari basikal ni. read the story here.
At the age of 31 months old, we were given chance to bring the kids along for a conference in kota kinabalu. So Ilyaas and Imani had their very first flight experience. Ilyaas sgt excited and still remember most of the moments during the vacation. It was our vacation of the year. Read our Sabah adventure trip here.
November/December 2013, berkesempatan bawa Ilyaas join family trip to Legoland. Together with his cousins. A tiring experience for myself (and Imani) but Ilyaas enjoyed every bits of it. He started to become a fan of LEGO since the day he entered Legoland. Cerita kami ke Legoland di sini. Wish to bring the kids here when they are 4 and 6 years old.
On Feb 2014 this year, bought him a present. CD Sufi Cilik from my blogger friend, Kemn Azmaili. Puas hati sebab Ilyaas makin besar makin pandai menjawab. kadang2 dia ngelat utk solat sama-sama. and makin suka tgk cerita kartun instead or dendangan selawat etc. Dengan ada CD ni, Ilyaas dan Imani dapat menghafal selawat dan zikir2 lazim..Review secara details utk CD saya belum pernah tulis. perhaps one fine day.hahahah, tak sempat la readers are link to this review wrote by the seller.
At 35m old jugak, Ilyaas and Imani went for their first movie experience. Cerita LEGO MOVIE. A happy moment for Ilyaas yang sememangnya peminat tegar LEGO. Cerita nya di sini..
My Ilyaas had few milestone before he reaches 3 years old... Umi listkan kat sini yer (bukan untuk tujuan menunjuk-nunjuk or nak compare dgn siapa-siapa, tp umi tahu umi akan terlupa...)
- Ilyaas dah 95% successfully diapers-free. Tidur malam masih dipakaikan pampers, tp dah 3 bulan dia tak pernah buang air kecil sewaktu tidur. Pampers repeat pakai sampai seminggu waktu tidur sahaja. Long distance travel pon dah tak perlu pakai pampers. Both umi and ayah really proud of u Ilyaas sebab dah pandai bagitau nak buang air. Dah pandai control sendiri.
- Ilyaas dah boleh mengira 1-10 in malay and english. ABC masih belum lancar. Hasil belajar dari youtube dan di rumah pengasuh.
- Ilyaas dah pandai pilih apa nak makan. kadang2 jawab, emmm tak tau la nak makan apa..
- Ilyaas dah pandai mewarna masuk dlm garisan gambar. walaupun masih comot momot lagi. dah pandai tukar2 pencil warna supaya lukisan dia tak dull dgn satu warna sahaja. lebih kreatif.
- suka menyanyi walaupun sumbang. ikut umi takde bakat menyanyi. lagi faveret sekarang mestila lagu tema the lego movie..Everything is awesome.
- Independent sgt. Dah dua kali bawa travel via air, dia pandai dan tahu dah apa nak kena buat masa security check etc.
- dah tak nak minum air dalam sippy cup. nak minum dlm botol or gelas mcm budak besar. dia ckp sippy cup adik punya. yg ada straw pun dia tak nak. nak botol budak tadika ..
-asyik ckp nak pegi skolah,tapi umi tak bagi.. alahai sayang, tahun depan ye insyaAllah.
Semalm, umi dgn ayah cari masa bawa Ilyaas lunch date dkt restoran Upin and Ipin. dah lama plan nak bawa dia celebrate birthday kat sini. Alhamdulillah, diizinkan Allah..
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my happy boy and his friends |
Petang pula, sessi potong kek di rumah babysitter. Plan dgn babysitter nk buat birthday party dkt rumah dia, since rumah dia ada ramai2 kanak2 yg tinggal sekitar situ, semua pon kawan Ilyaas. Lebih meriah jadinya.
Ilyaas excited sbb dia dah paham erti happy birthday to you.. suka dia bila org nyanyikan lagu birthday kat dia..Thank U too mak pengasuh sediakan nugget, wedges and goreng bihun..
Umi order kek choc cheese je.
Ayah bagi hadiah set lego policeman, racing car, fireman dgn School bus..
Semoga Ilyaas gembira dgn sambutan kecik ni. Umi ayah appreciate sgt kehadiran Ilyaas sebagai amanah kepada kami..InsyaAllah umi ayah akan cuba yg terbaik utk didik Ilyaas jadi anak soleh, dan Imani jadi anak solehah..
Ilyaas jangan nakal2 sgt ye, dgr ckp umi ayah. jgn asyik tolak adik tau time adik jalan..
share la lego Ilyaas dgn adik k.
last but not least,
happy besday ilyas...
ReplyDeletesemoga ilyaas jadi anak yng soleh.
ReplyDeleteinsyallah. abang yang baik ye.
epi besday ilyaas
ReplyDeleteAlahai..sweetnya entry ni..
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday ilyas..
Be a good boy to ur parents k..
happy birthday ilyas hafiy..dari dulu suka sangat kombinasi nama ilyas hafiy!! semoga menjadi anak yg soleh dan bijak!!!
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to ilyass..semoga menjadi anak y soleh