Friday, September 11, 2009

CuRrEnT WiShLiSt

i want this..this..and this..can I?

1- A pair of new long dress that will make me look elegant. I want it to be very solid and look expensive though the price will not be too expensive.

2- I want a ring. Silver or White Gold. A very simple design with no fancy decoration and not too big. and not too flashy.

3- I want my hair to grow faster.and to be healthy.

4- I want a new handphone. simple, stylish. I dont care what model it is. I want it to be elegant and cool. not too complicated for me to use since I am not born to live with fancy gadgets. :P

5-I want new handbag. from desigual. or LizClaiborne

6- I want new sport bag@ gym bag. In fact this would be my first gym bag. Probably by Nike or Puma. or Kiplings.

7- I want a new watch. With lady like look. not like those watch I used to have. All sporty and kiddy style.

8- I want a new jubah. Any dark color jubah with simple decoration.My old jubah(s) seem too old. Need new one at least for Aidilfitri and AidilAdha.

9- I want an apartment. A house. under my name. Can?

10-I want flight tickets. For me to go back to penang that i can be with my mum to do preparation for aidilfitri....

top of all, i want duit raya. :( this year i will not get any duit raya...n it will be my first year giving duit raya to kids...

--lesson: lets go and work hard. lets make money. my wish list can't be true if i dun have money kan?--


  1. Lalink~
    Mentang2 balik field trip byk duit, so dah ade wish list la ek??

    JOm ikut i beli wedding ring lepas raye..hehe..

    I pon dah usha beg kat Puma hr tue..nice n sporty..

    Jam kawen I very the lady like btul.huhu..

    take care dear~

    ps: Can I get duit raya from u?? I blom keje tau..

  2. waaaa...berderet wishlist!!
    uits....aku nk claim duet raye gak!!
    meh2 raye mlake... >_<


Drop you thoughtful cherry here. Thank You =)
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