Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Iftar at Amarin Heavenly Thai with Niners

It was my first time to dine at Amarin Heavenly Thai in MidValley Megamall. We had our iftar together with my husband's ex-MRSM Taiping friends whom they call themselves as Niners. There are 10 people including us and exclude the two Hafiys (Ilyaas Hafiy and Mohd Danish Hafiy )

We had prawn fritters and kurma as starter. The main dishes were mixed Tom Yam, Ayam Pandan, Kailan Goreng, Sambal Petai and udang, sambal belacan + the rice. Plain water with hint of green tea is included in the package. And plain rice is refillable, but as I am concern, only guys yang tambah nasi during last night iftar. And the desert was cendol with vanilla ice cream (without the gula melaka). I like the desert. So creamy and fatty. And the chicken pandan is soft and tasty too.

We had chit-chat session till nearly 10pm. (kami group terakhir meninggalkan restoran ini ye semalam). Even though it was my first time meeting most of the Niners (and their wives), I feel comfortable and belong to the group. I also had a good mummy-wife talks with Eylia and Husna. Three of us had little babies, my Ilyaas is almost the same age as Chinta Zara (Eylia's daughter)while Danish Hafiy is only 50days+. We shared our delivery experience, confinement story, breastfeeding and after birth story too.

Ilyaas was a bit sad that he can't meet Chinta. Chinta was at home since Eylia tak sempat nak pick her daughter after work or else they both will stuck in the heavy traffic. But Ilyaas bought Chinta a matching legging with shirt from Poney. and Chinta kirim her hadiah to Ilyaas too! Thanks Aunty Eylia for the teether. Since the other Hafiy is still small, and he sleeps a lot, so my Ilyaas Hafiy been treated as the center of attraction among uncle-uncle Niners. habis merah pipi Ilyaas kena cium and gomol dek uncle-uncle yg masam tak mandi sbb straight datang iftar after work.

They went to have coffee at Starbucks later that night but the three of us went back home since Ilyaas was already sleepy and Umi & Ayah are tired too. Overall, I had an enjoyable iftar and chit-chat sessions with the Niners and their wives last night. It is good to get new friends and develop new friendship.
Picture to be kept in to Syazmin for the picture.


  1. Yey!!
    We can meet up for makan-makan lagi nanti!!!Or datang rumah i,i masak :)Thank you for the present. I'm sure Chinta will love it!!

  2. hi, I nak tanya la package untuk iftar kat sini berapa ye? care to share? Tq :)


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