Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sing it to your baby (even you don't have good voice)

Masa saya kecik-kecik dulu, image Humpty Dumpty sering menjadi kegemaran saya. Saya siap ada buku mewarna Humpty Dumpty.Mr Telur yg sgt gemuk dan bulat duduk di atas tembok sambil memakai seluar yg ada tali ikat terus ke bahu. Sekarang ni kalau tengok si Ilyaas Hafiy selalu terbayang-bayang Humpty Dumpty sebab Ilyaas makin bulat sekarang ni.serta tidak nampak leher bila duduk. Oh gebu nya anak umi ni.So, saya selalu nyanyikan lagu Humpty Dumpty utk Ilyaas. Selain lagu Humpty Dumpty, lagu Twinkle-twinkle Little Star, Rock A Baby, Hickory Dickory Dock pun jadi my fav.

Walaupun saya mmg tidak ada bakat dalam bidang nyanyian, tapi statement ini meyakinkan saya utk jadi penghibur Ilyaas.

"Even if you think you can’t hold a tune, your baby thinks you have the most beautiful voice in the world! Singing is an excellent way to bond with your baby while helping her develop both emotionally and intellectually."

"Singing to your baby not only provides her with a sense of calm, but is also an excellent way to nurture the development of her growing brain. Singing nursery rhymes, children’s songs or even just about what you’re doing at the moment helps her develop the skills necessary to communicate successfully"

Source [Canadian Mother's Resources]

comel kan Humpty Dumpty ni?

Selain dari nursery rhymes Humpty Dumpty, banyak lagi lagu-lagu nursery rhymes. Saya jumpa website ini, byk membantu sy mencari nursery rhymes yang sesuai untuk usia Ilyaas.

okaylah, lepas ni nak cuba nyanyikan lagu Baa Baa Black Sheep la pulak.


  1. Ana pun suka nyanyikan nursery rhymes kt Adam, suara sumbang belakang kira=). yg plg faveret twinkle twinkle little star, terloncat2 kalau nyanyi lagi tu, tgh meraung pun leeh senyaap

  2. Ilyaas macam Humpty Dumpty? cumil okeh! :) dapat bayangkan.

    Nasiblah batrisya dapat mama suka nyanyi. i tak nyanyi nursery rhymes pun die dok terkebil2 pandang. HAHA


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