Wednesday, August 17, 2011

winky-winky Wednesday: Butter Cookies

ada ke tajuk winky-winky wednesday? takpela belasah ajela.

last Monday, after berbuka saya start baking kuih raya. the very basic kuih raya iaitu Butter Cookies. Resepi saya amik dari blog MamaFami.

Bila tengok resepi ni, rasa berminat sbb simple and tak leceh.So sesuai la utk maidless working mother like me.

resepi nya ialah begini:-

75g butter (saya guna buttercup)
60g castor sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
150g cake flour (remove 1 tablespoon)
a pinch of baking powder (I used 1/8 teaspoon)
1 tablespoon milk powder
1 egg white

Method :
1. Cream butter, sugar and salt till pale and fluffy.
2. Add in egg yolk and vanilla. Beat till well incorporated.
3. Sieve in the flour, baking powder and milk powder into the creamed mixture till well combined. Mixture will be breadcrumbs like and will form dough easily. Put dough into a plastic bag and roll it into a flat sheet. Chill in the fridge till harden before cutting out the cookie.
4. Cut out the cookie with cutter.
5. Brush on some egg white and sprinkle some choc rice on top.
6. Bake on a lined tray at 180C for 10 minutes.

*resepi ni di copy dari MamaFami ye*

and hasilnya ialah begini :- (saya guna acuan teddy)
sila abaikan teddy2 yang rentung tu yer.

1) rasa sedap.not bad.layak jadi kuih raya.dan tak jemu sgt nak makan selalu
2) senang dan mudah disediakan.
3) 75g butter serta adunan-adunan di atas ni akan hasilkan dalam 25-30 pieces cookies sekiranya guna acuan normal size.
4) boleh tabur gula biasa je kat atas cookies ni, or tak nak tabur apa2 pun dah sedap dah.
5)mungkin boleh kurangkan sedikit suhu oven sbb ada jugak yg terhangus tu...


  1. salam ziarah..
    thanks sudi follow blog kite.. :)

    ermmm..sedap nye biskut..ish..pose pose..:D

  2. waa...akak x start pun lg buat biskut raya ni..tunggu weekend ni la..hu3x..


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