Tuesday, August 16, 2011

so want this, but ....

it looks so nice kan? with very nice color, full body cover which menutup our aurat, looks so warm to be in this dress kan? but, it's a dress without any secret opening for breastfeeding, so it's not suitable for me now. i'll save it for later.maybe raya next year ke...


  1. samelah. i pun suke.
    pastu plak i memang jenis suke jubah dress gi keje, kaftan pon.
    ade 2 baru pakai sekali je, ingat nak recycle time raya, tapinya cannotlah, nak BF susah nanti.

  2. cantik...tapi betulla..if anak bf, camno nak selak jubah takde lobang utk bfkan anak..ahahah

    salam kenal. & happy breastfeeding!


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