Monday, August 22, 2011

Iftar with Titans @ Sari Ratu

In year 2004, all of us break our fast in the dinning hall bertemankan buku latihan add maths (for me) or buku nota biology or buku latihan physics, or nota sejarah. Tunggu announcement from prefect and baca doa berbuka sama-sama. Then sama-sama juga makan makanan yg mak cik dining masakkan. Paling sedap lauk daging masak merah dgn sayur lemak. Terbaik. And all of us sama-sama solat terawikh berimamkan Ustaz Najmi, or En Haizul .kadang-kadang Cik Adawiyah, kadang-kadang Izzah Meor, Bekton, Ujie and ramai lagi jadi imam.
Sekarang, year 2011, after 7 YEARS graduating from TKC, all of us are leading difference paths, difference directions. But, things remain the same in our hearts where friendship starts to rose.Alhamdulillah, after 7 years leaving my alma mater, I have chance to join the batch gathering. We addressed our batch as Titans. They had series of gatherings before this, but sadly I can’t join any of it due to commitments to other things. And in the month of Ramadhan, with a son in hand, I manage to bring myself (and my new small family) to join Titans’ Iftar at Sari Ratu Subang Parade.

Sari Ratu is an Indonesian Restaurant. They served Nasi Padang dishes through buffet dinner. For sweets, they have dates, es teller, pengat pisang, kuih-muih and fruits. The drinks ranges from air sirap bandung, jus kiwi, blackcurrant, orange, soya bean, hot drinks and air suam. Ais krim pun ada juga. For main dishes, they have nasi putih with lots of lauk padang such as ayam penyet, daging goreng, udang goreng, mix veggies yang pelbagai, salad, macaroni sup, ikan siakap masak sweet sour, sate yang sedap dan byk lagi. I am satisfied with the food, cumanya tak byk dessert variety. I was expecting more sweets and the lauk kebanyakkan nya lambat di top up. So kena tunggu licin betul2 dalam tray baru staff top up kan. tidak patutla kan, semua org lapar dan mahu yang terbaik sbb sudah bayar mahal-mahal (Rm59 for adult and Rm29 for kids). Tapi yang bagusnya restoran Sari Ratu ini ialah mereka sediakan surau untuk bersolat. Jadi tak perlu kita rushing-rushing makan dan bersesak-sesak solat di surau subang parade. It’s convenience. Telekung yang bersih juga disediakan. And HD tv juga ada,jadi suami saya dpt tengok match Liverpool vs arsenal sambil berbuka (sebab semua kawan-kawan saya perempuan, haruslah kan sbb TKC).

Ilyaas menjadi center of attention among the aunties. Tp sekejap saja dia happy. Bila sudah mengantuk dan lapar, siapa-siapa pun dia tak mahu kecuali Umi and Ayah dia. He behaves well except towards the end, Ilyaas was already super sleepy and tired. Sebab itu , saya harus pulang awal and miss the time of chit chatting after the iftar. Overall, I had a super fun and warming experience spending few hours with my lovelies Titans. Though it was a short meeting, I cherish it to the fullest. Thank You Anny for organizing the iftar. And thanks all for coming.
Though things changes, some of us are getting married, some are already on their way to Phd and me already blessed with a child, we are still “Soaring towards Victory” together in our hearts. Let’s hold this friendship till the end of our lives. I love all of you. And thanks too to my dearest husband for accompanying me. I know marrying you is never regret.
spot my husband at the end of the picture there!


  1. salam..really wanna attend it~ wuwuwu!!='(
    btw ur husband ade kt meja sblh, wearing pink!!betol kah???huhu!

    p/s: betol la kn??nk adiah duet raya yg blom keje, bleh demand duet raya dr org yg dh keje occay?!hehe~

  2. opss..lupe plak..hehe~
    teacher hazimah la..ngee!!=D

    alaa..bkn mntak rm100 pown..rm50 ckup la..hahahahhahaha!jz joking..=b


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