I will copy paste all the necessaries entries from the other blog in this entry. for my future reference. you guys don't have to read this. It's toooooo long. Boring saje.
Perjalanan bermula dgn kisah ini...
kisah isi borang uni sana sini
ini coretan seorang insan yang tengah pening kepala bila bukak website uni kat malaysia dan cari course2 yang sesuai dgn kelayakan yang dimiliki.so sila jgn turut pening kepala sekali membaca entry terhuyung hayang ini.
saya habis degree tahun 2008.convo february 2009. lepas tu pulang ke Malaysia (kononnya nak berkhidmat dgn Petronas). tp dapat release. so mula berfikir-fikir nak cari kerja atau nak sambung belajar. Memang berminat nak sambung belajar sbb suka belajar and aim nak ada Dr walaupun Dr (Phd) sahaja. tp mahu ada experience kerja dahulu. So , while staying at my parents', i did apply for jobs in oil and gas field, in mapping field, and also apply to study with UTP. Just a back up in case lama menunggu dan belum ada kerja menjenguk.
Dipanggil oleh UTP untuk interview sebagai jawatan akademik di fakulti Petroleum. Al-kisahnya, masuk ke UTP bulan 3 atau 4, kemudian, buat application utk sambung study ke UK or France with September intake.Sambung Msc and Phd in Petroleum Geology. Sementara nak tunggu september boleh jadi RA di UTP dan dapat gaji RA. nnt dah balik dari UK/France akan attach dgn UTP as a lecturer.looks welcoming to me. tp my mum thinks too early for me to fly back to oversea since baru je balik from Aussie on that february. true, i think the same too. but on the same day i have the interview with UTP, i received a call from CGGV, replying for my job application as processing geophysicist. So, I turned down the UTP's interview and continue with CGGV interview. It wasn't that easy and I had to go through two stages of interviews with CGGV. Luckily I qualified and I started working with CGGV on 13th April 2009. In between that, I also got a job offer from a mapping company to work as a geologist in Grik, Perak. Comparing the prospect, I decided to take the offer from CGGV. So here I am.
then, I meet my husband, we hooked up as a couple. Both went to Singapore and States for company training. after training, I started once again searching for universities. Attend UMT (Uni. Malaysia Terengganu) interview to work as a Tutor. Been keep in touch with my referees in Australia as I need them to write me the referee's form in the tutor's application. Interview was successfully done during lunch hour at cafe in KLConvention Center. Agreed that I will further my studies in coral reef and sedimentary related environment. At the mean time, I was in closed contact with my future supervisor, Prof Dr Lindsay Collins from Australia.He got some research project for me in coral reef and sedimentary related topics. Done. Just wait for the UMT's intrvw result. Before I applied for UMT, I applied for tutor position with UKM, no reply.
While waiting, I applied for Academic Scheme with UIA. Got the interview. Take half day leave and went for the interview. An easy interview and right after the interview I was confirmed to be selected as one of the candidate to get the SLAB (skim latihan akademik bumiputera) to continue my master in coastal environment.
One week later, I received the offer letter from UIA. It was so fast and I decided to go on with UIA.Before proceeding with UIA's supervisor, I went to UM to meet Prof Azhar in Geology school. I wanted to be his supervisee. He agreed and I make confirmation with UIA that I'm going to attach as academic trainee with them but pursue my Msc with Prof Azhar. UIA did not agree, as they have qualified supervisor for me, Dr Shahbuddin.
Keep in touch with Dr Shahbuddin and made meeting with him at DePalma Hotel Putrajaya. Went there with my husband. we just got married at that time. Had brief discussion and I'm off for one week task to finish up with the proposal. Weeks before just received letter from UMT saying that I did not success the interview as they want somebody with Master degree. Finish my proposal and submit to my supervisor. Wait for him to reply. It took about one month until I heard him again. Proposal was ok, but need to modify the literature review section. I was 5 weeks pregnant by that. So, dengan berat hati, I declared the offer to further my Master with UIA. since my course will take me for field works. It's ok, its much more worth it. I got my Ilyaas Hafiy.
While carrying Ilyaas, I still continue doing some universities' searching. Can you see how much I am eager to start learning again? But after delivering Ilyaas, I slow down. I'm tired of filling in the forms (application forms, referee forms, proposal form), and tired of doing research of something uncertain,emailing here and there, telling I want to do research in this field yada yada yada..and it is difficult to actually find a university that want to take you as their academic trainee and once you finish your study in Msc and Phd, they will take you to work with them. At least its difficult for people who has degree in Applied Geology like me. Tak banyk uni baru di Malaysia yg ada geology course. Can list them...UM ada tp its an old establish uni, susah nak naik kalau kerja kat UM, UKM ada, tp more to civil engineering, USM ada geophysics tp USM needs 2 research papers for Master.., UMS ada, jauh benor mak nak ke sabah pulak ....
so, sekarang namanya mood tunggu dan lihat. sebab husband also in the process of applying for academic staff position with some uni. lepas husband dah confirm dapat uni mana, then baru i start again look for supervisor etc. Penat isi borang sana sini tp hasilnya tidak memberansangkan.Ataupun hanya separuh jalan. nak buat proposal bukan senanng, so baik confirm dpt attach uni mana dulu baru stat semula..
hmmm., okayla, off now. panjang gila dah entry terhuyung hayang ini.ini coretan seorang insan yang tengah pening kepala bila bukak website uni kat malaysia dan cari course2 yang sesuai dgn kelayakan yang dimiliki.so sila jgn turut pening kepala sekali membaca entry terhuyung hayang ini.
saya habis degree tahun 2008.convo february 2009. lepas tu pulang ke Malaysia (kononnya nak berkhidmat dgn Petronas). tp dapat release. so mula berfikir-fikir nak cari kerja atau nak sambung belajar. Memang berminat nak sambung belajar sbb suka belajar and aim nak ada Dr walaupun Dr (Phd) sahaja. tp mahu ada experience kerja dahulu. So , while staying at my parents', i did apply for jobs in oil and gas field, in mapping field, and also apply to study with UTP. Just a back up in case lama menunggu dan belum ada kerja menjenguk.
Dipanggil oleh UTP untuk interview sebagai jawatan akademik di fakulti Petroleum. Al-kisahnya, masuk ke UTP bulan 3 atau 4, kemudian, buat application utk sambung study ke UK or France with September intake.Sambung Msc and Phd in Petroleum Geology. Sementara nak tunggu september boleh jadi RA di UTP dan dapat gaji RA. nnt dah balik dari UK/France akan attach dgn UTP as a lecturer.looks welcoming to me. tp my mum thinks too early for me to fly back to oversea since baru je balik from Aussie on that february. true, i think the same too. but on the same day i have the interview with UTP, i received a call from CGGV, replying for my job application as processing geophysicist. So, I turned down the UTP's interview and continue with CGGV interview. It wasn't that easy and I had to go through two stages of interviews with CGGV. Luckily I qualified and I started working with CGGV on 13th April 2009. In between that, I also got a job offer from a mapping company to work as a geologist in Grik, Perak. Comparing the prospect, I decided to take the offer from CGGV. So here I am.
then, I meet my husband, we hooked up as a couple. Both went to Singapore and States for company training. after training, I started once again searching for universities. Attend UMT (Uni. Malaysia Terengganu) interview to work as a Tutor. Been keep in touch with my referees in Australia as I need them to write me the referee's form in the tutor's application. Interview was successfully done during lunch hour at cafe in KLConvention Center. Agreed that I will further my studies in coral reef and sedimentary related environment. At the mean time, I was in closed contact with my future supervisor, Prof Dr Lindsay Collins from Australia.He got some research project for me in coral reef and sedimentary related topics. Done. Just wait for the UMT's intrvw result. Before I applied for UMT, I applied for tutor position with UKM, no reply.
While waiting, I applied for Academic Scheme with UIA. Got the interview. Take half day leave and went for the interview. An easy interview and right after the interview I was confirmed to be selected as one of the candidate to get the SLAB (skim latihan akademik bumiputera) to continue my master in coastal environment.
One week later, I received the offer letter from UIA. It was so fast and I decided to go on with UIA.Before proceeding with UIA's supervisor, I went to UM to meet Prof Azhar in Geology school. I wanted to be his supervisee. He agreed and I make confirmation with UIA that I'm going to attach as academic trainee with them but pursue my Msc with Prof Azhar. UIA did not agree, as they have qualified supervisor for me, Dr Shahbuddin.
Keep in touch with Dr Shahbuddin and made meeting with him at DePalma Hotel Putrajaya. Went there with my husband. we just got married at that time. Had brief discussion and I'm off for one week task to finish up with the proposal. Weeks before just received letter from UMT saying that I did not success the interview as they want somebody with Master degree. Finish my proposal and submit to my supervisor. Wait for him to reply. It took about one month until I heard him again. Proposal was ok, but need to modify the literature review section. I was 5 weeks pregnant by that. So, dengan berat hati, I declared the offer to further my Master with UIA. since my course will take me for field works. It's ok, its much more worth it. I got my Ilyaas Hafiy.
While carrying Ilyaas, I still continue doing some universities' searching. Can you see how much I am eager to start learning again? But after delivering Ilyaas, I slow down. I'm tired of filling in the forms (application forms, referee forms, proposal form), and tired of doing research of something uncertain,emailing here and there, telling I want to do research in this field yada yada yada..and it is difficult to actually find a university that want to take you as their academic trainee and once you finish your study in Msc and Phd, they will take you to work with them. At least its difficult for people who has degree in Applied Geology like me. Tak banyk uni baru di Malaysia yg ada geology course. Can list them...UM ada tp its an old establish uni, susah nak naik kalau kerja kat UM, UKM ada, tp more to civil engineering, USM ada geophysics tp USM needs 2 research papers for Master.., UMS ada, jauh benor mak nak ke sabah pulak ....
so, sekarang namanya mood tunggu dan lihat. sebab husband also in the process of applying for academic staff position with some uni. lepas husband dah confirm dapat uni mana, then baru i start again look for supervisor etc. Penat isi borang sana sini tp hasilnya tidak memberansangkan.Ataupun hanya separuh jalan. nak buat proposal bukan senanng, so baik confirm dpt attach uni mana dulu baru stat semula..
Followed by this memorable moment for us
Registration Day

I am writing this entry while waiting for my husband who is making his matrix card..oh wait he's back!
Well he said cannot make stdent card today got some technical problem with the machine..hurmmmmm..what an international uni ....ahhhh x kisah la since all these procedures are done at one time basis.lepas ni duduk diam2 buat research..
Well,today 25 jan 2012 is our registration date with utp.we are now officially master students.but we are still working since companu need one month notice before resignation date.it will bw another one month before we both becoming a full time student.
Now,i am actually writing(sambung) from previous perenggans.we already reach kl around 9pm .terus singgah mcd for dinner.kenyang dah alhamdulillah.si tecik ilyaas pon kenyang makan semangkuk kecik bubur ayam mcd.
Back to cerita registration td...
-arrive at utp @ 11.15am.go to registry office.selesai urusan di registry office at 12pm.
-straight go to finance department to settle all fees needed.sampai je dh nmpk line pnjg giler beratur.ada 4 caunters tp yg uruskn pembayaran satu kaunter je.bila tiba turn kitaorg,ckp nk byr guna credit card,barula kakak jg caunter tu gitau yg mesin ada prob haritu.kn guna cash je.hampeh sungguh.dhla pnjg dn lama beratur.dgn baby lg.patutnya tampal la notis pemberitahuan cc xleh guna only cash.mmg geram la.bila tegur suruh letak notis buat muka.xsesuai lnsung nk jg front desk.
-dah kitaorg pon gi la bank nk draw duit.n then blk ke finance.sekali dh closed utk rehat.ok la no problem la since mmg rest time.dorg gitau bukak pukul 2.
-kitaorg gi la mkn,solat,salin ilyaas n bg dia mkn semua dulu..
-2.15pm kitaorg dh terpacak tunggu dpn kaunter finance yg blm di bukak lg tu.adui la lemah sungguh la sistem.dahla xde lagi pon notis bagitahu cc xley guna.so masih ramai student yg end up tak dpt byr sbb xde cash.
-dah selesai urusan finance kitaorg trus ke center of graduate studies.register course segala.dpt research log book n some utp goodies.kejap je.selesai.
- ke packet D nk buat matrix card.cari building x jumpa.sesat 2-3kali br jumpa.sekali br nk gitau tak setup lg.so semua student mmg xley buat kad lg...dahhh klu cmtu apsal xgitau awal2 kt registry ofis.ni suruh kita gi jugak buat kad .n dh la bg direction salah.mmg uji keimanan jugakla..
xkisah la.alhamdulillah semua dh selesai pun.pukul 4pm kitaorg round cr rumah sewa.sekitar tmn maju,bandar universiti n bandar seri iskandar.byk rumah utk disewakn tp smuanya dah fully furnished n nk 4-7org students in a house.ala-ala hostel la jgk.dorg xnk family.hhhmmmmmmm xberhasil pencarian rumah hari ni...
next time pegi kn gi cari rumah kat area seputih pulak.harapnya dpt la jumpa rumh sewa yg ok sesuai dgn harga berpatutan around rm350-500...td tgk semua runah rm600/650 cmtu sebb dh furnished n nk share reramai...
and then this one
Hello Uni!!!
Hello Uni! I am part of you again!
Please be nice to me. I am so unsure of what is awaiting for me here.
I am soon, very soon starting uni again.
Honestly, very nervous and doubtful for myself.
I can't remember the last time I sit down and study.
Things that fill my mind and soul for now was my baby.
He's so going to be my main source of motivation in this journey.
These few days, I google things like " study and mum", and found this very useful and inspirational website from Australia National University (ANU).
I am so going to explore this website. Hopefully it will somehow benefit me in this new journey.
Hello papers, hello research, hello journals, hello field trips, hello lab works, hello microscope, hello ROCKS!!!!
Wish me luck.Please be nice to me. I am so unsure of what is awaiting for me here.
I am soon, very soon starting uni again.
Honestly, very nervous and doubtful for myself.
I can't remember the last time I sit down and study.
Things that fill my mind and soul for now was my baby.
He's so going to be my main source of motivation in this journey.
These few days, I google things like " study and mum", and found this very useful and inspirational website from Australia National University (ANU).
I am so going to explore this website. Hopefully it will somehow benefit me in this new journey.
Hello papers, hello research, hello journals, hello field trips, hello lab works, hello microscope, hello ROCKS!!!!
and my first few weeks as postgrad students
first few weeks as student
dah masuk minggu ketiga saya bergelar student post-graduate.
baru berkesempatan nak update blog babysteps ni.sebelum ni bukan tak sempat, tapi tak ada nafsu nak update, sbb otak lebih risaukan proposal dan topic yang pending.
minggu pertama-27 feb-2march 2012
Isnin 27feb : Plan asal nak mula full time study on 1st march.supaya senang diri sendiri nak kira masa spend buat research. tp sebabkan banyak lagi urusan administration belum selesai, 27feb dah macam full time. pagi2 (taklah pagi sangat pon, pukul 9.30 jugak, hahah jangan jelez sbb sy student) dah keluar rumah. gi uni and jumpa dr.deva.
dia cakap topic kena tukar sbb prof yg specialize dalam carbonate nak retired dah. dpt tajuk pasal fractured basement analysis apakah itu, susahnya rasa.tp terima saja, kononnya berlagak hebat dan mampulah.
balik rumah, muka toye rasa tak mampu buat.bagitau husband dia pon suggest buat topic yg kite suke kalau nak senang.
Selasa 28feb: Jumpa head department, bagitau masalah topic dan supervisor. di-introducekan pada dr.aaron. but he's not specialize in things i want to do. tp dia attach dgn lab yang sama. prof yg specialize ni takde.tunggu next week untuk further discussion. habis masa seminggu macam tu saje.
Rabu-Jumaat: Lepas kat library.baca buku, baca journals. banyak masa untuk baca blog dn update blog.tapi tak lalu nak baca. mood down sbb risaukan research ni. sabar sabar sabar kata suami tercinta.
Sabtu: Ke Teluk Senangin, Lumut
Minggu kedua- 5march -9march
Isnin 5march - bangun dgn penuh semangat sbb ada meeting dgn dr.aaron dan prof bernard. determine to do my research in carbonate. pukul 9 dah terpacak dpn lab. sekali both of them were occupied with something emergency and need their expertise. meeting post-poned ke selasa 6march. pasrah. pegi library, baca buku dgn pasrah.
Selasa 6march- meeting sepatutnya pukul 10pg. tp post-poned ke pukul 2ptg. pasrah sebentar. tp masih semangat. pukul 1.50 dah terpacak depan bilik prof. lepas pump. ye sy masih mengepam walaupun hasil tak meriah mcm dulu.topic lain dah. meeting dr pukul 2-3ptg.ada 4 org lecturers sekaligus. dpt main supervisor prof dr javier,2nd supervisor prof dr bernard (sampai august) and habib (after prof left nnt). discussion yang bagus. outcome menarik. sambung meeting berdua je dgn prof.dr javier untuk lebih detail dan sesi perkenalkan diri supaya senang nak kerja sama2.
Rabu 7march- harapan nak dapat workstation dan desk sendiri tp masih xdpt. stay kat library.baca journal. tak productive langsung.by petang terus semangat dan sambung semangat sampai malam lepas Ilyaas tidur.
Khamis 8march- sambung research journals. Siapkan proposal untuk topic baru.
Jumaat 9march- hantar proposal baru ke supervisor. Lega. update blog ini. sekian.baru berkesempatan nak update blog babysteps ni.sebelum ni bukan tak sempat, tapi tak ada nafsu nak update, sbb otak lebih risaukan proposal dan topic yang pending.
minggu pertama-27 feb-2march 2012
Isnin 27feb : Plan asal nak mula full time study on 1st march.supaya senang diri sendiri nak kira masa spend buat research. tp sebabkan banyak lagi urusan administration belum selesai, 27feb dah macam full time. pagi2 (taklah pagi sangat pon, pukul 9.30 jugak, hahah jangan jelez sbb sy student) dah keluar rumah. gi uni and jumpa dr.deva.
dia cakap topic kena tukar sbb prof yg specialize dalam carbonate nak retired dah. dpt tajuk pasal fractured basement analysis apakah itu, susahnya rasa.tp terima saja, kononnya berlagak hebat dan mampulah.
balik rumah, muka toye rasa tak mampu buat.bagitau husband dia pon suggest buat topic yg kite suke kalau nak senang.
Selasa 28feb: Jumpa head department, bagitau masalah topic dan supervisor. di-introducekan pada dr.aaron. but he's not specialize in things i want to do. tp dia attach dgn lab yang sama. prof yg specialize ni takde.tunggu next week untuk further discussion. habis masa seminggu macam tu saje.
Rabu-Jumaat: Lepas kat library.baca buku, baca journals. banyak masa untuk baca blog dn update blog.tapi tak lalu nak baca. mood down sbb risaukan research ni. sabar sabar sabar kata suami tercinta.
Sabtu: Ke Teluk Senangin, Lumut
Minggu kedua- 5march -9march
Isnin 5march - bangun dgn penuh semangat sbb ada meeting dgn dr.aaron dan prof bernard. determine to do my research in carbonate. pukul 9 dah terpacak dpn lab. sekali both of them were occupied with something emergency and need their expertise. meeting post-poned ke selasa 6march. pasrah. pegi library, baca buku dgn pasrah.
Selasa 6march- meeting sepatutnya pukul 10pg. tp post-poned ke pukul 2ptg. pasrah sebentar. tp masih semangat. pukul 1.50 dah terpacak depan bilik prof. lepas pump. ye sy masih mengepam walaupun hasil tak meriah mcm dulu.topic lain dah. meeting dr pukul 2-3ptg.ada 4 org lecturers sekaligus. dpt main supervisor prof dr javier,2nd supervisor prof dr bernard (sampai august) and habib (after prof left nnt). discussion yang bagus. outcome menarik. sambung meeting berdua je dgn prof.dr javier untuk lebih detail dan sesi perkenalkan diri supaya senang nak kerja sama2.
Rabu 7march- harapan nak dapat workstation dan desk sendiri tp masih xdpt. stay kat library.baca journal. tak productive langsung.by petang terus semangat dan sambung semangat sampai malam lepas Ilyaas tidur.
Khamis 8march- sambung research journals. Siapkan proposal untuk topic baru.
dan kisah kecewa di sini
sy ni orangnya jenis kurang bersabar sedikit.
terutamanya pada benda yg sy betul2 nak. saya rs saya akan usahakan sehabis baik supaya sy dapat siapkan.
master research ni belum bermula secara officialnya.maka sy rasa tidak selesa begitu.sbb sy betul2 nak cpt2 siapkan research ni dan proceed to the next step. byk lagi nak kena buat dan focus.contohnya pregnant anak kedua sebelum mula Phd...(kahkahkah...kalau abg baca ni, pls say yes )
tp saya mempunyai masalah dimana supervisor sy sgt sukar dihubungi..dalam erti kata lain, susah bonar dia nak reply email.
dah masuk 5 hari sy hantar proposal sy (termasuk sabtu dan ahad), tp takde pon respond balas dari dia.
saya susah hati sbb sy mmg nak mulakan research ni dgn kadar segera.
saya masih belum dapat workstation..jgn katakan workstation, kerusi meja nak bekerja pon belum ada.
saya xtau apa status saya sekarang ni..
aduhai supervisor ku, tolong la positive sikit ...prof dulu pon pernah jadi student gak kan, xkan tak ingt betapa excited and enthusiastic nye prof masa dulu utk dpatkan segulung ijazah...terutamanya pada benda yg sy betul2 nak. saya rs saya akan usahakan sehabis baik supaya sy dapat siapkan.
master research ni belum bermula secara officialnya.maka sy rasa tidak selesa begitu.sbb sy betul2 nak cpt2 siapkan research ni dan proceed to the next step. byk lagi nak kena buat dan focus.contohnya pregnant anak kedua sebelum mula Phd...(kahkahkah...kalau abg baca ni, pls say yes )
tp saya mempunyai masalah dimana supervisor sy sgt sukar dihubungi..dalam erti kata lain, susah bonar dia nak reply email.
dah masuk 5 hari sy hantar proposal sy (termasuk sabtu dan ahad), tp takde pon respond balas dari dia.
saya susah hati sbb sy mmg nak mulakan research ni dgn kadar segera.
saya masih belum dapat workstation..jgn katakan workstation, kerusi meja nak bekerja pon belum ada.
saya xtau apa status saya sekarang ni..
another story
It's not an easy road I choose...
Hello everybody.
It has been sometime since I last write in this baby steps of mine. Well, few things happened and I am a bit occupied. I just realized that this research will never been easy and nice to me, I hope maybe one day it will be nice and understand me more. (Apakah yang aku merepek ni?)
To cut short, I learn that being a research student, you really really need to know what is your interest area. What is the topic you can do, and you want to do. It is absolutely two different things, you CAN DO and you WANT TO.
CAN DO is referring to topics and areas within your limits. I study geology and used to work as a geophysicist, two different things. So people see me as a person who CAN do both either geology or geophysics.
WANT TO is referring to the topics and areas I love and interested to learn and be knowledgeable in it. Again, I am a geology student been working as geophysicists , But I WANT TO learn more about geology, not geophysics.
In finding your topics, there are few factors that will impact your end-result , especially when you are studying in a newly developed department, also in a new rising university.The factors are:
Your conflict of interest
Its within yourself, surely you will have to face this. What you want to do and what you can do and what your university has for you. It's the main factor. Here, what you can do is try to be strong enough on your interest topic and try your best to find the correct supervisor that will help you with your research.
The Supervisor
There will be one time when you can't decide whom you want to work with. And once you have decide and choose, you might find he or she is not available or there will be some logistics problems. Of course you will have to sort it out. Try to talk to the correct persons and discuss about it. Be professional and please do not include any heart feeling in finding the correct supervisor you feel comfortable to work with. Being said not to include any heart feeling, but you must make sure you are totally comfortable and surely can enjoy working and studying under his or her supervision. It is important to sort it at the early stage of your research journey.
The Availability of Data
This is very important. You must know what kind of data you will be working with. What is needed along the research. As for me, I will have to decide among 4 types of data(s). You will tend to take all of them but end up don't have enough time to analyse all of them. So, please be more careful on deciding this and check on your limits. If the research is for master, it will be ok if you surrender some data and keep it later maybe for your Phd, perhaps. In my situation, I'll be using only 2 types of data from the 4 mentioned earlier. So, I hope it will be less hassle.
The Equipment and Software
Another main important thing. Make sure what kind of software or equipment you are going to use. Learn about it or at least find some one to teach you with the software or equipment. If got chance to go for training, then go for it. But make sure it is the correct training unless you will find yourself listening to something not so beneficial for your research.
Put a target on when you want to finish your research. But please bare in mind that if your research is data dependent like mine ( some more it's industrial data), you will have to wait for it. Wait means you will have to do go through some protocols before you can start using it. It's the matter of permission and copyright and also legal. In the meantime, while waiting for the data, try to make your background study as concrete as you can. So that you won't feel any time is wasted.
$$$$. Well, everything need money. So, please make sure you have grant or good foundation to support your research. If not, please don't be afraid or don't back out, there will always be a way for you to learn even there is no grant. Try to find topic and research area that will not need much money like ribu raban..
And things will get better from time to time once you perform a good progress on your research.
These will be enough for now. Hope I learn a lesson. And hopefully I can truly start my research with piece of mind. Let's starts with BismillahIt has been sometime since I last write in this baby steps of mine. Well, few things happened and I am a bit occupied. I just realized that this research will never been easy and nice to me, I hope maybe one day it will be nice and understand me more. (Apakah yang aku merepek ni?)
To cut short, I learn that being a research student, you really really need to know what is your interest area. What is the topic you can do, and you want to do. It is absolutely two different things, you CAN DO and you WANT TO.
CAN DO is referring to topics and areas within your limits. I study geology and used to work as a geophysicist, two different things. So people see me as a person who CAN do both either geology or geophysics.
WANT TO is referring to the topics and areas I love and interested to learn and be knowledgeable in it. Again, I am a geology student been working as geophysicists , But I WANT TO learn more about geology, not geophysics.
In finding your topics, there are few factors that will impact your end-result , especially when you are studying in a newly developed department, also in a new rising university.The factors are:
Your conflict of interest
Its within yourself, surely you will have to face this. What you want to do and what you can do and what your university has for you. It's the main factor. Here, what you can do is try to be strong enough on your interest topic and try your best to find the correct supervisor that will help you with your research.
The Supervisor
There will be one time when you can't decide whom you want to work with. And once you have decide and choose, you might find he or she is not available or there will be some logistics problems. Of course you will have to sort it out. Try to talk to the correct persons and discuss about it. Be professional and please do not include any heart feeling in finding the correct supervisor you feel comfortable to work with. Being said not to include any heart feeling, but you must make sure you are totally comfortable and surely can enjoy working and studying under his or her supervision. It is important to sort it at the early stage of your research journey.
The Availability of Data
This is very important. You must know what kind of data you will be working with. What is needed along the research. As for me, I will have to decide among 4 types of data(s). You will tend to take all of them but end up don't have enough time to analyse all of them. So, please be more careful on deciding this and check on your limits. If the research is for master, it will be ok if you surrender some data and keep it later maybe for your Phd, perhaps. In my situation, I'll be using only 2 types of data from the 4 mentioned earlier. So, I hope it will be less hassle.
The Equipment and Software
Another main important thing. Make sure what kind of software or equipment you are going to use. Learn about it or at least find some one to teach you with the software or equipment. If got chance to go for training, then go for it. But make sure it is the correct training unless you will find yourself listening to something not so beneficial for your research.
Put a target on when you want to finish your research. But please bare in mind that if your research is data dependent like mine ( some more it's industrial data), you will have to wait for it. Wait means you will have to do go through some protocols before you can start using it. It's the matter of permission and copyright and also legal. In the meantime, while waiting for the data, try to make your background study as concrete as you can. So that you won't feel any time is wasted.
$$$$. Well, everything need money. So, please make sure you have grant or good foundation to support your research. If not, please don't be afraid or don't back out, there will always be a way for you to learn even there is no grant. Try to find topic and research area that will not need much money like ribu raban..
And things will get better from time to time once you perform a good progress on your research.
and this one...which still makes me wonder, why i can write blog so easily..why not thesis???
Only if writing papers as easy as typing blogs!
I am occupied with research now. Just started to write in a technical-way so it will be easier for me to do my proposal defence. Plus a preparation for submitting papers in the future. Only now I realize how hard to write a sentence in technical paper. It is not that hard if we are the first person to discover or to study that particular area, but we are reading from others published papers thus, quoting them is very crucial. No matter what sentence you are going to type, need to quote. It is stressful because I found it's very difficult to generate whole new sentence using bombastic scientific words to deliver the same message. Alteration of the sentences is also crucial cause we don't want the meaning goes haywire and ppl interpret it differently.
Ahh, so I have spend almost 4-5 days reading and writing my so call technical paper, and I only end-up at 2 pages!!! How come those intelligent can write up to hundreds of pages? It's really a permanent head damage. I'm only in my master journey, not yet in phd...ahhhhh...
OKay, I'm not saying this lowered down my motivation to move on with this research, of course NOT!
Surely, I will adapt to this new situation and writing technical papers will be much easier than this. I just wish it is as easy as writing in my blogs!
Till then, off for Research Methodology course for the whole next week.Ahh, so I have spend almost 4-5 days reading and writing my so call technical paper, and I only end-up at 2 pages!!! How come those intelligent can write up to hundreds of pages? It's really a permanent head damage. I'm only in my master journey, not yet in phd...ahhhhh...
OKay, I'm not saying this lowered down my motivation to move on with this research, of course NOT!
Surely, I will adapt to this new situation and writing technical papers will be much easier than this. I just wish it is as easy as writing in my blogs!
Then goes my proposal defense
Semalam 4 July. Independence Day untuk United States.
4 July 2012 jugak, hari saya buat RPD or nama panjangnya research proposal defence.
Saya sgt mengantuk lepas buat RPD, pastu balik rumah dah tak tertahan-tahan ngantuk tu.
Lepas Isyak terus berkubang atas katil dengan anak teruna, golek-golek bersama, I tidur dulu dari dia.
Niat nak baca novel tertangguh lagi sbb ngantuk tak tertahan.
Nak kata malam sebelum RPD I stay up sakan, tak jugak. In fact, tak bukak pun laptop untuk tengok presentation. Pagi sebelum RPD je, I bangun awal sikit and buat preparation terakhir.
Tu pun, masuk lab rasa xtau nak buat apa..Nerveous sgt kot, cuma tak terasa secara menggigil-gigil badan mcm dulu-dulu kalau nak present.
Over kan? dulu klu nak present, berpeluh-peluh dahi ni. Berdiri tak kena, duduk tak kena. Maybe tu zaman kanak-kanak kot. Takde mende lain nak dipikirkan, 100% otak focus pada presentation.
Sekarang I dah tua, 25 dah kot! Otak tak focus 100% pada apa yang nak di-present. 15% pikir apa nak dok buat kat rumah pengasuh, tambah lagi dia jatuh atas jalan tar pagi semalam. Hidung luka. jadi clown anak ku itu. 5% lagi pikir petang ni malas masak, so nak pi beli kat pasar malam. 15% dok pikir pasal VBAC sbb tengah fanatik google dan cari information pasal VBAC. 15% dok pikir baju raya nak kena beli kat anak teruna ku. Duit allowance belum masuk..
Oh berapa peratus je tinggal untuk presentation ni????
Aduhai! Teruk perangai aku rupanya. Baru sedar betapa tak focus pada research ni. Patutla orang kata, klu nak belajar, belajar terus..tak yah kawin-kawin lagi. Nanti focus cepat lari. Memang pun!
Tapi Allah tu Maha Kaya. Kita hilang focus bukan untuk berpoya-poya. Pikir perkara lain iaitu anak dan suami. Urusan rumah tangga. Pikir mak pak kita, mak pak mertua kita. Urusan yang membawa kebahagiaan dunia akhirat. Maka, Allah sentiasa tolong kita.
Yakinlah! Aku tak tipu, sbb walau dlm 4 bulan jadi research student ni, aku dpt rasa kalau kita mencari ilmu dgn ikhlas, walau tak cukup masa nak study menggila macam zaman undergrad dulu, Allah sentiasa permudahkan.
Melalut sakan dah ni. Ok, RPD semalam shockingly I feel so relieved and lega sngt2. Nak kata buat gempak gila, memang tak la. Preliminary result pun takdak lagi, data pun takdapat lagi. workstation pun belum dapat install.
Tapi, MashaAllah, berkat doa suami, makpak aku, and makpak mertua aku agaknya...Maybe berkat bawa baby ni dalam perut jugak kot. Semua soklan examiners dpt dijawab dgn lancar dan harapnya mereka puas hati lah.
Selain tu, dapat more guideline and jalan apa yang perlu di tekankan lepas ni. Bahagian mana yang perlu di-ambil berat dan di baca dgn lebih teliti dan mendalam lagi.
Tapi tak boleh cepat berpuas hati. Sekarang baru 1st phase. Banyak lagi yang kena buat. Jauh lagi perjalanan. Cuma harapnya, permulaan yang baik membawa kepada pengakhiran yang baik, InsyaAllah.Mudah-mudahan.
Doa dan harapan Semalam 4 July. Independence Day untuk United States.
4 July 2012 jugak, hari saya buat RPD or nama panjangnya research proposal defence.
Saya sgt mengantuk lepas buat RPD, pastu balik rumah dah tak tertahan-tahan ngantuk tu.
Lepas Isyak terus berkubang atas katil dengan anak teruna, golek-golek bersama, I tidur dulu dari dia.
Niat nak baca novel tertangguh lagi sbb ngantuk tak tertahan.
Nak kata malam sebelum RPD I stay up sakan, tak jugak. In fact, tak bukak pun laptop untuk tengok presentation. Pagi sebelum RPD je, I bangun awal sikit and buat preparation terakhir.
Tu pun, masuk lab rasa xtau nak buat apa..Nerveous sgt kot, cuma tak terasa secara menggigil-gigil badan mcm dulu-dulu kalau nak present.
Over kan? dulu klu nak present, berpeluh-peluh dahi ni. Berdiri tak kena, duduk tak kena. Maybe tu zaman kanak-kanak kot. Takde mende lain nak dipikirkan, 100% otak focus pada presentation.
Sekarang I dah tua, 25 dah kot! Otak tak focus 100% pada apa yang nak di-present. 15% pikir apa nak dok buat kat rumah pengasuh, tambah lagi dia jatuh atas jalan tar pagi semalam. Hidung luka. jadi clown anak ku itu. 5% lagi pikir petang ni malas masak, so nak pi beli kat pasar malam. 15% dok pikir pasal VBAC sbb tengah fanatik google dan cari information pasal VBAC. 15% dok pikir baju raya nak kena beli kat anak teruna ku. Duit allowance belum masuk..
Oh berapa peratus je tinggal untuk presentation ni????
Aduhai! Teruk perangai aku rupanya. Baru sedar betapa tak focus pada research ni. Patutla orang kata, klu nak belajar, belajar terus..tak yah kawin-kawin lagi. Nanti focus cepat lari. Memang pun!
Tapi Allah tu Maha Kaya. Kita hilang focus bukan untuk berpoya-poya. Pikir perkara lain iaitu anak dan suami. Urusan rumah tangga. Pikir mak pak kita, mak pak mertua kita. Urusan yang membawa kebahagiaan dunia akhirat. Maka, Allah sentiasa tolong kita.
Yakinlah! Aku tak tipu, sbb walau dlm 4 bulan jadi research student ni, aku dpt rasa kalau kita mencari ilmu dgn ikhlas, walau tak cukup masa nak study menggila macam zaman undergrad dulu, Allah sentiasa permudahkan.
Melalut sakan dah ni. Ok, RPD semalam shockingly I feel so relieved and lega sngt2. Nak kata buat gempak gila, memang tak la. Preliminary result pun takdak lagi, data pun takdapat lagi. workstation pun belum dapat install.
Tapi, MashaAllah, berkat doa suami, makpak aku, and makpak mertua aku agaknya...Maybe berkat bawa baby ni dalam perut jugak kot. Semua soklan examiners dpt dijawab dgn lancar dan harapnya mereka puas hati lah.
Selain tu, dapat more guideline and jalan apa yang perlu di tekankan lepas ni. Bahagian mana yang perlu di-ambil berat dan di baca dgn lebih teliti dan mendalam lagi.
Tapi tak boleh cepat berpuas hati. Sekarang baru 1st phase. Banyak lagi yang kena buat. Jauh lagi perjalanan. Cuma harapnya, permulaan yang baik membawa kepada pengakhiran yang baik, InsyaAllah.Mudah-mudahan.
plus data collection
Data Collection
Last week, on 30th July I received a letter from Petronas stating that my data request (for my Msc) has been endorsed and everything is going smoothly. So,what I need to do is get my supervisor and lab signed and stamped the letter of agreement.
Luckily, the process went as smooth as I imagined. So, 1st August I received another email from Petronas inviting me for data collection in twin tower.
Jadinya, next Monday, I will be going to KLCC (lagi?) untuk data collection. I was excited and enthusiastic to start my analysis and research for real. But the thing is, I don't even have a proper work station that can handle heavy seismic data and heavy software I'm going to use for this research.
It's ok, one thing at a time. Some more we are going for a long leave for Hari Raya, I'll better sort the computer thingy after that, plus my sv is going away for a conference + holiday in Aussie in the mean time.
Till then, wish me the best health and mind to continue this research. Soon, in January I'm going to take maternity leave, so I need to get as much as I can done before that.
PS: My husband also just finished his proposal defence and it went well. Alhamdulillah.Luckily, the process went as smooth as I imagined. So, 1st August I received another email from Petronas inviting me for data collection in twin tower.
Jadinya, next Monday, I will be going to KLCC (lagi?) untuk data collection. I was excited and enthusiastic to start my analysis and research for real. But the thing is, I don't even have a proper work station that can handle heavy seismic data and heavy software I'm going to use for this research.
It's ok, one thing at a time. Some more we are going for a long leave for Hari Raya, I'll better sort the computer thingy after that, plus my sv is going away for a conference + holiday in Aussie in the mean time.
Till then, wish me the best health and mind to continue this research. Soon, in January I'm going to take maternity leave, so I need to get as much as I can done before that.
while waiting for Imani
In between
and last but not least
Penghujung 2012, Permulaan 2013
Harini ada mood sikit nak update blog babystepstomydreams ni.
Kalau tak, sebelum ni asyik rasa tak tau mcm mana nak mula tulis kat sini. eh, bukan tulis, type.
asyik update cherish every cherry jer.
Arini 31 dec 2012, last day tahun ni. pejam celik, dah 9 bulan saya jadi student master. dah 8 bulan saya pregnantkan adik baby. tinggal 3 minggu lagi dari tarikh melahirkan.
Alhamdulillah, harini saya dah submit progress report untuk semester sep2012-jan2013.
Submit pada supervisor dan juga pada examiner. Patutnya kena hantar pada 2 orang examiner.
tapi examiner sorang lagi tak ada kat uni.
Harapnya dorang clear la dgn setiap description yang saya terangkan dalam progress report tu. sbb untuk semester ni, saya tak buat oral presentation. memandangkan lepas discuss dgn supervisor, we both couldn't find a suitable date untuk buat presentation and gather all the examiners on one date.
coordinator post-graduate pon cakap tak apa, lagipun untuk case mcm saya, mmg boleh exemption patutnya sbb tarikh untuk buat symposium progress report ni ialah lepas sem break until 15feb. maknanya, sekarang ni saya dah hantar progress report awal dari tarikh sebenar.
Memang saya dah get myself ready dari awal2 mula sem ni september lepas lagi. target, by end of dec, saya dah submit untk progress report (walaupun belum tarikh submission). sbb saya tak nak lebih kelam kabut nak submit report waktu tgh berpantang nnt. Susah payah jugak nak write progress report ni. especially untuk result yg takde literature/report yg support. Pening kepala pikir nak buat scientific sentence.
Sekarang, saya tunggu hari. eh ye ke dah tunggu hari. ada lagi 24 hari ke tarikg melahirkan.
saya plan, nak kumpul semua result(s) yang ada setakat ni, document kan. atau sort out dalam satu folder. supaya x pening mencari lepas cuti pantang nnt.
pastu nak attend scientific writing course hari khamis ni. dah start menulis utk submit paper pada bulan april nnt. untuk geological society of malaysia. Insha Allah.
Overall, tahun 2012 ni salah satu target saya tercapai. Sejak habis degree, saya bercita-cita nak sambung belajar. tp rezeki bekerja dulu dan berkahwin serta beranak satu dulu. Ada beberapa offer utk sambung belajar saya terpaksa tolak sebelum ni, sbb masa tak sesuai. Tp offer yg saya dpt 13jan 2012, saya dan suami sama-sama terima. Now, here I am. here we are. kami sama2 student. rezeki sambung belajar, lepas sebulan lebih jadi student sepenuh masa, saya sah pregnant anak kedua. jadi ini ialah baby master saya, Insha Allah.
2012 juga berakhir dgn khabar baik dari MyBrain 15 dari KPT. Permohonan saya untuk mymaster dah diterima. Next step, saya perlu forward kan pada finance UTP. Insha Allah, next semester lepas habis pantang, tak perlu buat kerja GA/tutor lagi. boleh fokus 8am-5pm pada research dan study. Insha Allah
- saya target untuk sambung writing thesis bila ada kelapangan waktu berpantang nnt. ataupun lepas pantang.
- kena join field trip ke niah.sedikit berbelah bahagi sebab saya takut menggangu perjalanan breastfeeding saya dgn baby baru nnt. tp kalau itu yg terbaik utk dptkan segulung ijazah, saya redha dan pasrah. saya tawakal supaya walaupun saya away utk field trip, adik baby masih dpt minum ebm (mintak stok byk) dan tidak reject direct feeding after umi balik field trip. contact numbers untuk ke field trip pun saya dah sediakan.
- lebih pandai bahagikan masa antara keluarga, study and research, serta masa untuk diri sendiri.
- tingkatkan kesabaran dlm menjadi seorang pelajar berkeluarga dan beranak.
- support husband tanpa henti untuk dia juga siapkan master.
yang penting, perjalanan dah dimulakan, saya perlu habiskan.walaupun susah, ini jalan yg saya pilih. ini jalan yang Allah telah tetapkan pada saya, suami dan anak-anak. Saya perlu kuat dan habiskan perjalanan ini. Mudah-mudahan dipermudahkanNYA.Amin.
Harini ada mood sikit nak update blog babystepstomydreams ni.
Kalau tak, sebelum ni asyik rasa tak tau mcm mana nak mula tulis kat sini. eh, bukan tulis, type.
asyik update cherish every cherry jer.
Arini 31 dec 2012, last day tahun ni. pejam celik, dah 9 bulan saya jadi student master. dah 8 bulan saya pregnantkan adik baby. tinggal 3 minggu lagi dari tarikh melahirkan.
Alhamdulillah, harini saya dah submit progress report untuk semester sep2012-jan2013.
Submit pada supervisor dan juga pada examiner. Patutnya kena hantar pada 2 orang examiner.
tapi examiner sorang lagi tak ada kat uni.
Harapnya dorang clear la dgn setiap description yang saya terangkan dalam progress report tu. sbb untuk semester ni, saya tak buat oral presentation. memandangkan lepas discuss dgn supervisor, we both couldn't find a suitable date untuk buat presentation and gather all the examiners on one date.
coordinator post-graduate pon cakap tak apa, lagipun untuk case mcm saya, mmg boleh exemption patutnya sbb tarikh untuk buat symposium progress report ni ialah lepas sem break until 15feb. maknanya, sekarang ni saya dah hantar progress report awal dari tarikh sebenar.
Memang saya dah get myself ready dari awal2 mula sem ni september lepas lagi. target, by end of dec, saya dah submit untk progress report (walaupun belum tarikh submission). sbb saya tak nak lebih kelam kabut nak submit report waktu tgh berpantang nnt. Susah payah jugak nak write progress report ni. especially untuk result yg takde literature/report yg support. Pening kepala pikir nak buat scientific sentence.
Sekarang, saya tunggu hari. eh ye ke dah tunggu hari. ada lagi 24 hari ke tarikg melahirkan.
saya plan, nak kumpul semua result(s) yang ada setakat ni, document kan. atau sort out dalam satu folder. supaya x pening mencari lepas cuti pantang nnt.
pastu nak attend scientific writing course hari khamis ni. dah start menulis utk submit paper pada bulan april nnt. untuk geological society of malaysia. Insha Allah.
Overall, tahun 2012 ni salah satu target saya tercapai. Sejak habis degree, saya bercita-cita nak sambung belajar. tp rezeki bekerja dulu dan berkahwin serta beranak satu dulu. Ada beberapa offer utk sambung belajar saya terpaksa tolak sebelum ni, sbb masa tak sesuai. Tp offer yg saya dpt 13jan 2012, saya dan suami sama-sama terima. Now, here I am. here we are. kami sama2 student. rezeki sambung belajar, lepas sebulan lebih jadi student sepenuh masa, saya sah pregnant anak kedua. jadi ini ialah baby master saya, Insha Allah.
2012 juga berakhir dgn khabar baik dari MyBrain 15 dari KPT. Permohonan saya untuk mymaster dah diterima. Next step, saya perlu forward kan pada finance UTP. Insha Allah, next semester lepas habis pantang, tak perlu buat kerja GA/tutor lagi. boleh fokus 8am-5pm pada research dan study. Insha Allah
- saya target untuk sambung writing thesis bila ada kelapangan waktu berpantang nnt. ataupun lepas pantang.
- kena join field trip ke niah.sedikit berbelah bahagi sebab saya takut menggangu perjalanan breastfeeding saya dgn baby baru nnt. tp kalau itu yg terbaik utk dptkan segulung ijazah, saya redha dan pasrah. saya tawakal supaya walaupun saya away utk field trip, adik baby masih dpt minum ebm (mintak stok byk) dan tidak reject direct feeding after umi balik field trip. contact numbers untuk ke field trip pun saya dah sediakan.
- lebih pandai bahagikan masa antara keluarga, study and research, serta masa untuk diri sendiri.
- tingkatkan kesabaran dlm menjadi seorang pelajar berkeluarga dan beranak.
- support husband tanpa henti untuk dia juga siapkan master.
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