Sunday, June 28, 2009

hasil. shopping.hari ini...

Handbag yg br di beli..brand Camly Accolade..huhu..i never heard this brand..but dun mind la, i like the color n the design..suits my personality i guest:)

facial wash set uriage...beli facial wash + mask + scrub + toner dpt free tshirt + face soap for guy + moisturiser + travel pack facial was..hihi

ok, ngntok sgt..tanak type lg..nunite....


  1. Cantik handbag itu!
    Kalo ade kaler jeans mesti sy juge membelinye! =)

    Neway,u dah jumpe set facial wash u nak pakai..
    Cam besh jer..
    Huhu..ade men's facial wash!!
    Hurmm..u nak bg sape erk??
    Abg Atoi ehh...??

  2. beg tu lawa!!!
    kaler die lawa!!
    ske kaler hijau!!



Drop you thoughtful cherry here. Thank You =)
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