Sunday, June 14, 2009

visiting nadiah


I'm in Malacca currently. but I don't visit the town yet..bukan sbb tak nak, tp sbb dah slalu pegi dulu..tujuan dtg sini kali ni sbb nak jumpa Nadiah As'ari je:)
so, I'm spending time at her house saja=)

ktorg borak bagai nak rak..sbb bnyk sgt gossssippssss yg tak tercerita dgn elok nya since 3++ yrs ago...last time jumpa was like before fly..lama giler kot..

tp ada la sekeping dua I upload it..
nnt dah balik KL I'll update more..

ok..chow chin chow..

1 comment:

  1. rindunye kat nad'as..
    hee.. sure korg had lots of fun.. =)


Drop you thoughtful cherry here. Thank You =)
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