Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ooo.balik kampung..oooo

im sleepy but nak jugak tulis this ent3..
esok sy pulang ke kampung halaman di bukit mertajam..@ BM!!
tak sabar nyeeeee..
nak jumpa mak! nak gosssssippppp!!! padahal gossip diri sndri xmampu nak cerita..hahaha
tp cuti kejapppp je=( xpela, jnji dapat gak balik jumpa chenta2 hatiku =)

but kl, i'll miss u i guest.
gimme a rest okay. i need a time for the family and for me self.
then i;ll be back for my life in here..
yes, i consider kl to be part of my lifetime experience


  1. selamat bertemu keluarga :)

  2. lalink... =)
    hr nie pulang ke BM erk...
    make sure balik awal tau!

    nnti kem salam kat ur mum tau!
    selamat bergossip ngn ur mum..
    nnti kite plak gossip tau!!


Drop you thoughtful cherry here. Thank You =)
Sila datang lagi...