Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Random pictures

Bought this for Ilyaas. At
but i didn't buy it online. Went to the shop and found this at pre-loved price
so happy that Ilyaas like it, as usual sbb everytime pergi rumah mamu he'll play with this one

my ilyaas was too tired and very sleepy. after whole day playing at sg seluang
he just woke up right before maghrib. tengah mamai n kusyuk dgr zikir kat astro oasis
petanda dah tak lama lagi nak dapat adik.
almost every night perlu tidur berdodoi mcm ni
i love u son
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1 comment:

  1. Hehe..betul tu sis..klu nk dpt adik..lain mcm sikir peelnya..huhu


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