Saturday, July 23, 2011

Breastmilk Plastic Storage Bag

I am using Suri plastic storage bag to store my EBM after work. Everyday, I will use 3 bags of 12 oz ,but of course, I did not produce all 12 oz in one pump session.I will mix them.Sometime only 8 oz, 10oz or sometime its 12 oz or more. Depends on rezeki. Usually I will pump once in the morning before solat subuh, then twice in the office. can refer to this entry.

However, my Suri breastmilk storage bag was not re-stock for 2months now, maka kehabisan lah. In this emergency situation, I went to Mothercare KLCC (since I'm working there) during lunch hour to look for the storage bag. Where else to go, Parkson and ISETAN pun jual mahal juga. Surprisingly, the Mothercare storage bag is 100% the same with Suri storage bag. BUT the price is of course where too high! But I have to buy it juga since storage bags already out of stock in my house. Nak simpan susu dlm botol bermakna habis la semua botol yang saya ada sekarang.nak pump lagi.For comparision sila lihat table di bawah:-

How pricey is Mothercare products. Aduh. Nasib baik la masih mampu.
And we can buy Suri storage bag either online or go to Lunatots outlets.

Selain storage bag ini, saya pernah pakai storag bag BabyFarlin and LittleBean.Baby Farlin storage bag is recommended utk storage EBM masa dlm pantang sebab dia ada 200ml it is less stress seing low milk production.(sila lihat pic di atas utk keterangan lebih lanjut).Little Bean storage bag is not highly recommended. Keras and susah nak simpan.

Botol penyimpanan juga saya guna ranges from few brand seperti Mum's Little One, Jingle Jungle, Medela (dpt masa beli cik Pisa), dan Bumble Bee.


  1. akak pkai you have a baby je. rm29.90=100pcs. okla tp x la sekualiti suri. akak pernah gak pkai suri tp mahal sgt la..:)..botol mmg akak x guna sbb mkn ruang..

  2. ha'ah..youhaveababy kena ikat pakai getah..sometimes, susu keluar gak sikit2 even dah ikat kuat pun....tu la..x kisah la guna apa pun..janji selamat di simpan...:)

  3. murahnye storage bag suri ni..nad mase pantang beli Tollyjoy punye..50pcs=rm59.90..mahal pakai tak abes lagi..kalau dah habes ingat nak beli lagi MSPB ni..


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