Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm Always Ready website.Cool

While browsing through the web to gather information on traveling with infant by airplane, I found this cool and helpful website.

I'm Always Ready

ps: Husband,Ilyaas and Me will be traveling back to Kuala Terengganu this Thursday. So this will be Ilyaas' first airplane trip.Umi is excited and nerveous.Cuak bawa baby naik plane.

Anybody have any tips and suggestions untuk bawa infant naik flight? Please share with me.Thank You in advance =)

1 comment:

  1. do direct BF to Ilyaas bile take off n touch down :)

    and plus, make sure die tak full sgt minum susu before naik plane.

    tue yg I tahulah since I pun bakal bawal Batrisya travel naik plane sept nanti :)


Drop you thoughtful cherry here. Thank You =)
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