Saturday, October 8, 2011

Not the primrose path

Salam all,

I was stumble upon reading his story. He is now resting in peace *AlFatihah to him*.
He is Dr Mas Afzal. The late author of Not the primrose path.

Betapa ajal tak mengenal usia.Betapa sakit tak mengenal jika kita doktor atau pun hanya tukang sapu.Betapa ibadat itu penting buat bekalan akhirat.

To Mama Afzal, thanks for sharing your late son's blog with all of us. It does it works to remind me about ajal dan maut, qada' dan qadar, serta takdir Allah.

1 comment:

  1. never missed to read his latest entry by his mom.. mmg best and semua memberi inspirasi


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