Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Beetroot and rice porridge for baby

Happy Wednesday all=)

Sapa tengok Master Chef Final aritu? Best kan best kan? The thing that I like about MasterChef Malaysia Final Episode was, the beetroot @ ubi bit. 

During the morning, I went to pasar and beli the beetroot. Masa beli tu, tak tahu pun nama dia apa. I just asked aci yang jual sayur tu, ubi ni boleh bagi baby makan tak? Dia cakap boleh cmpur dalam bubur baby..So, I pon beli lah. Balik rumah, sebelum apa-apa lagi, I terus upload gambar dalam fb tanya semua orang sapa tau ni sayur la gambarnya si beetroot atau lebih mesra dlm bm nya sebagai ubi bit.

Since I already uploaded the pictures, I got a request from Elfira to share the recipe~ Weeee heee, so here goes the recipe for bubur nasi ubi bit...

1 cups of cooked chicken (already blend) 
Rice (I cook in rice cooker for 1 hour to make the texture very soft and porridge like flow)
1 cups of carrot + baby corn + beetroot purée that I blend together after steaming them
Add a little bit of salt for a bit of taste

Semua ni, I campak je dalam rice cooker once the beras dah berubah rupa menjadi bubur..
Kacau sekejap and ready to be serve/store for Ilyaas frozen food stock..

Cara nak masak/rebus beetroot ni sama je dgn rebus sweet potato semua tu, but don't use the balance water in the pot for blending the beetroot . Sebabnya air rebusan tu mengandungi lebihan nitrat yang tak berapa sesuai untuk baby. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, boleh baca kat sini.

Rupa dia mcm red velvet kan? I mean the color...and Ilyaas love it sebab the taste is sweet! =)

oh, before I forget, ada Poo-Poo Alert ye if you feed your baby with beetroot...
Their poo-poo will turn into reddish purplish color. Don't freak out ya since its normal unless you see red blood spot then pls rush to paed.


  1. Thanks alot dear! Waaa, cant wait nk buat, actually i blum buat lili bubur yet, tgh collect recipe. Cant wait to do ur recipe since ilyas pun suke kann. Nnti i da buat i review oke. Hehe.

  2. salam, bloghop sampai sini. best ada recipe2 babyfood. i mmg nak sgt try masak beetroot ni tapi tak jumpa lagi huhu.. cold storage kat sini x jual pulak :( nnt nak try cari kat pasar jugak la :D


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