Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ikea Children High Chair -Belt Recall

Assalamualaikum semua =) Apa khabar? hari ni saya dah masuk kerja. demam Ilyaas makin ada improvement. Hari ni masuk kerja dgn penuh semangat tau.. Nak tau tak kenapa? heheh, sebab ESOK CUTI!!! yeaaay, cuti hari wilayah. terima kasih la ye sebab bagi penduduk2 di wilayah persekutuan ni cuti.. best best best...

Ok, back to the tajuk . sejak dua menjak ni, saya jadi addicted browsing website Ikea, yela kata nak pindah rumah. mesti la berangan-angan cari idea nak copypaste letak kat rumah sendiri nnt. Tp berangan je la yer, duit nak beli nan ado...takpelakan, berangan curik2 idea sikit2..
So sambil dok godek-godek website Ikea ni, ter-come across pasal Ikea Antillop High chair Belt recall..

Uish, mmg kena amik port bab-bab recall product ni yer, sebab bahaya especially product baby..walaupun hanya belt, still kena take note..nyawa anak kita yang duduk atas kerusi tu..

Since Ilyaas pun ada high chair ni kat rumah, balik nnt saya nak check serial number dia..Btw, ni details of the recall...


IKEA recalls ANTILOP children’s high chair belt
IKEA kindly asks customers who have an ANTILOP high chair from supplier #17389 and production dates 0607-0911 (YYMM) to immediately contact the Exchange & Returns counter at the IKEA store.

The high chair belt can open unexpectedly in use, creating a fall hazard. IKEA has received eight reports of belt opening, including three resulting in minor injury when a child fell from the high chair.

Only ANTILOP high chairs from supplier #17389 with production dates 0607-0911 (YYMM) are affected. The supplier number and production date are moulded into the underside of the seat, see picture below.
Customers with an ANTILOP high chair are asked to check the supplier number and production date. Customers who have the affected ANTILOP high chair are asked to visit to contact the Exchange & Returns counter or call Customer Service at 603-7726 7777 to receive a replacement belt, free of charge.

No other high chairs are affected.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause
Visit Ikea Website for more details and clarification. 

Jadi, untuk semua ibu-ibu dan bapa-bapa always check on product recalls ye, bahaya kalau kita ter-miss ..aritu medela pump-in-style ada product recalls jugak, tp nasib baik my pisa tak terlibat dalam batch yg kena recall tu.klu tak naya, nak kena hantar miss pisa ke US balik..

1 comment:

  1. skrg ni bnyk gak akak tgk brg ikea yg diaorg recall..akak pun ada highchair ni..balik ni nak kena check la..hu3x..


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