Monday, July 9, 2012

Takziah utk keluarga Allahyarham Afifi

I had so many things to update since I did quite a number of activities over the weekend. Balik Penang, makan nasi kandar, shopping baju raya Ilyaas and visited both of my grandparents.

But, last two days, Saturday midnight, I read a news-feed in FB. A junior of mine updated her status saying Takziah to one of our UTP junior. I was shocked reading the news and quickly let my husband know about it.

Well, personally I don't know arwah...Maybe we have meet in the campus, but I did not notice. But cerita permergian arwah agak tragis, jadi menggamit saya untuk menulis satu entry takziah buat keluarga beliau memandangkan kami sama-sama warga UTP, menuntut ilmu di bawah bumbung yang sama.

He was on his way back to UTP from Mid-Semester break together with 3 other friends. His friends drove from Johor and then pick him up from KL after he celebrated his mother's birthday that night and continue their journey to UTP. Unfortunately, dorg terbabas masa nak elak lopak air and langgar besi penghadang jalan.. He died at the location while his other friends are injured..

Untuk cerita lanjut, boleh baca di link ini..

Mari kita sama-sama sedekahkan Al-Fatihah untuk arwah Afifi Emara.

1 comment:

  1. ya
    terasa jugak kan walau kita xpenah bersua muka ngan arwah..


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