Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Arrival in Perth


As some of you might knew already, I further my bachelor degree study in Curtin University, Perth. It was back in 2007 when I first took flight to Perth. To be exact, it was on Valentine Day, 14 February 2007

Although Perth is near to Malaysia, I felt very excited because I had been dreaming to further my study oversea since the first day I enter school *ye kot*
Alhamdulillah, dah selamat pergi and selamat balik pun. 
But, realizing that I rarely put any entry or post about my experience travelling and living in Perth in this blog picisan, I am taking this opportunity to write down some of them. 

Boleh jadi kenang-kenangan dan mengimbau masa lalu.

14 February 2007
with my parents and siblings at KLIA. 
Our flight was around 9am. 
Siap bawak comforter set, cause I don't want to hassle myself on the first night nak tahan sejuk. 
Well, sejuk la jugak Perth waktu malam-malam. 

With my siblings 
Semua masih kurus. 
Amir and Izzat were very small at this time. 
Now, both of them have been growing too much I think:P

Arrival in Perth International Airport. around 4pm Perth time. 
Masa ni ada time different one hour from Malaysia because it was summer.

All the girls with Aunty May yg uruskan rumah kitaorg. 
Kak Chom, Amal, Ipah, Non and Me

Dalam bus on the way from airport to Bentley. 

View masa dlm bus. macam padang jarak padang terkukur je. 
Panas sebab summer time.

Dah sampai rumah dekat Lawson St, Bentley. 
Sementara tunggu dpat kunci, kitaorg bergambar la.
Masing2 bawak beg besar gedabak. 
Kata nak duduk 2/3 tahun kan. 
Macam la tak balik Malaysia langsung time break. :P

*sila abaikan date yg salah pada gambar, setting camera tak dibetulkan lagi*
Malam 14 February 2007, getting ready to go out for dinner 

dinner beramai-ramai dekat Restoran Mahsuri, Victoria Park
Makanan berhidang, hebat sungguh rasa 

15 February 2008

Orang lain pegi orientation dekat uni, kitaorg pergi melancong
Alang2 Aunty May dah sewakan mini coaster for all of us, teruskan ajelah dgn misi jadi pelancong.
Ni gambar dekat Grape Farm, Swan Valley

Pastu gi Kings Park pulak. 
Excited kemain tgk padang rumput meluas, bunga2 cantik n mekar je.
Nampak cam panas terik, tp angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa..

Pastu amik gambar bontot. 
Motif dia of course la nak tunjuk montot sapa paling kurus..
Of course la montot saya! Hahaha..itu dulu.
Sekarang tidak lagi, sbb dah jadi mak orang dah pun!

Oklay, next entry nak sambung cerita pasal jalan-jalan around Perth and Australia. 

*kan nak imbau kenangan*


  1. takpe. sila imbau kenangan sementara i dapat amik ilham kot² nak bertapa kat sana lagi setahun dua. eh?


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