Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'm the winner for Method to the rescue contest

MashaAllah=) and Alhamdulillah=)

Last few weeks, mummy nadia from fabulousmotherhood ada buat contest Method to the rescue, and I took part, itupun towards the end of the contest deadline. And today I got the good news that I won!!!

My simple, honest, short story was chosen to win the prize. Eh nak tau tak hadiah dia apa?
I also can't wait for the parcel to arrive at my doorstep.

Heheh, dapat juga merasa product Method ni. wholly by Malaysian, so it's proudly Malaysian Brand.

When I received the parcel, and have use the products nanti, I will give my review k, insyaAllah.

Ok ni hadiahnya....=)


dan juga


By the way, this is my simple story..ikhlas dari hati...

My dearest husband is always ringan tulang to help me clean all the dishes every after meal, especially after dinner. That's a way he is saying thank you to me after I had bertungkus lumus cook for him and our son. He will also clean the whole kitchen too! I am so glad to have him. While he was cleaning the dishes and kitchen, I will spend some quality time with the kids. It is sad that their father couldn't join us until he finishes all the dishes. Sometime he even missed to watch Buletin Utama when there are whole loads of dishes need to be clean. Thus, I am very interested to give him Method Dish Soap Pump. I believe, with its tagline get "pumped to get clean dishes", it will help my husband to reduce dishes' cleaning time every after meal. And he can spend more time to watch Bulletin Utama and more quality time with the family. I trust Method Dish Soap Pump can help us to make sure all the dishes are really clean, no more oily and cheesy stain on the plates even after cleaning. and can save much time in cleaning the dishes.

*mesti abang senyum sampai telinga kan?*

ps: Thanks Nadia 

1 comment:

Drop you thoughtful cherry here. Thank You =)
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