Thursday, February 16, 2012

Starz Garden, Sogo

Ilyaas had his first LRT ride this evening. Umi pick up Ilyaas half day harini since babysitter ada hal sikit. After taking a nap at home, we both get ready to go out. Mula-mula ingatkan nak hujan since almost every evening hujan turun minggu ni. Nasib baik hujan tak turun petang tadi. Tuck him in his car seat and drive to LRT station to park our car there. Take LRT to Station Bandaraya and terus ke Sogo.

Destinasi utama ialah nak ke Level 7 Sogo. Ada Starz Garden. I got to know this indoor playground from blog Nur. 
Memang dah lama simpan cita-cita nak ke starz garden ni since baca entry from Nur. So, we I got chance like this terus hantar application kat husband mintak izin. Lucky he approves! Hehe..
Akhirnya dapat gak bawak Ilyaas ke tempat ni. Sort of playschool jugak la, tapi tak de orang pun on weekdays ni..
The whole room was Ilyaas'. Memang heaven lah anak teruna tu.

This is the entrance. Senang je, naik life terus ke Level 7. Kena register kat counter. Letak nama anak and parents. Also kena bagi 4 digits secret number as a password. In case you want to leave your child there while you go shopping, the numbers will be the key for you to claim your child later. There are few nanny around to supervise your child. However, kids below 3 years old, need adult/guardian to stay with them in starz garden.

 Ilyaas baru nak panas kan badan time sampai. Mula-mula tu tak nak lepas umi langsung. Padahal takde orang pun dalam tu. Saja anti social..Bila dia sedar the whole room belongs to him, baru dia start naik sheikh.heheh...

Jom main huruf umi....XOX umi!

The room was big enough to occupied lots of children. Ada banyak tables macam dekat nursery for the kids to play. Ada jugak sand coloring section for older kids.

Reading section. Tapi tak banyak sgt choice buku yang ada. Just nice la for those yang dah boleh membaca bila dah boring main. For parents yang menuggu pun ada jugak magazines untuk dibaca nak hilangkan boring.

Ni pulak TV/rest room. I breastfeed Ilyaas here sambil layan movie Barbie. Cozy and rasa ngantuk je. Ada satu playpen jugak kat dalam ni for baby. Dah lepas recharge energy, Ilyaas pon sambung main.

Mula-mula main susun blocks. Ouch!Double chin spotted 

Then nak belajar menulis pulak...Nak tulis apa ye?

Tulis ni la... 
Dah boring belajar menulis, nak main ni pulak. Tibe-tibe Ilyaas jadi garang sebab umi asyik nak snap gambar je. Sorry sayang, umi excited. Sebab umi rasa ni mcm gymboree class tp yg murah punya. heheh and umi sendiri yang ajar Ilyaas.Mainan ni feveret Ilyaas. lama melekat kat sini.

Dah boring? Main puzzles pulak puzzles ni mcm lagi sedap kalau rs dgn mulut dulu.. (semua nak masuk mulut dulu budak ni)


Umi, kenapa asyik amik gambar Ilyaas ni? Ayah mana ?

Kita call ayah kejap la ye? tapi tak jumpa fon la umi.. Pakai mouse pon boleh la..
Hello...hello Ayah ke ....Come here Ayah..Let's play with me...

Eh! nampak ball yang banyak....jom merangkak gi dekat ball...

Banyaknye ball. Takut saya tenggelam dalam ni... 
Umi, boleh tak nak jilat ball ni? 

Penat dah ni. Terlentang dalam lautan bola. Muka ngantuk. And it's already 5.30pm , so kitaorg pon make   a move back. balik rumah, cook him pumpkin and chicken with rice porridge for dinner. Main kejap and terus tidur.

  • Bayaran masuk : RM6 for 1 hour (for 1 kid), or RM45 for 10 hours.
  • Kids below 3 yrs old need a guidance around
  • Drink is provided.Food can be ordered.
  • Can reserve the whole room for function like birthday part etc with price RM20-30 per pax including food, room renting, goodies bag and activities during party.
  • For more info, please visit their website.

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  1. Bestnyer!!! Tapi macam jauh plak nak ke Sogo tu...huhuuh..

  2. thanks for ur info...

    xtau plak kat sogo ada ni...nnti boleh la bw my kids...


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